Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1050 Chapter 1070: A strange feeling

Chapter 1050 Chapter 1070: A weird feeling
"Little Moon!"

Jun Qianhuang's eyes were a little darker!

Holding Yun Feiyue's waist with both hands!

Pursing his lips, he remained motionless, as if he had taken root on the plank of the boat!
"Well, I'm fine!"

Yun Feiyue felt that her stomach was churning, and quickly put her arms around his waist, she couldn't help muttering: "I'm not bad at all, why are you standing here without moving!"

Ah Nima!
Is this discrimination?
Feeling Yun Feiyue's grievance, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but chuckle!
"This has nothing to do with ability. No matter how powerful a person is, he will be just like you at such a time!"

"Then why do you..."

"Well, because I'm used to it!"

got used to!
Nima, what kind of habit is this!
I couldn't help but rolled my eyes fiercely: "Why can you get used to it!"

"The way of cultivation, so I let you go to the desert to practice, and another day I have to let you adapt to the sea!" He stretched out his hand and scratched her nose, showing a gentle smile!

His eyes looked out through the window~
That touch of coldness became more and more obvious!

Yun Feiyue looked at him distressedly, it seemed that Jun Qianhuang suffered more and suffered more than she imagined!

"Huang, what's the matter?"

At this moment, Yun Feiyue also realized that something was wrong outside!
The originally bright full moon was now glowing with a tinge of red, and the huge waves on the sea became more and more turbulent, hitting the ship fiercely, as if it was about to smash the ship!

"No, will something happen to Rui'er!"


Seeing Yun Feiyue worried, Jun Qianhuang frowned slightly: "Look, the sea water is already pitch black!"


At this moment, the darkness is like a huge net, which seems to swallow people in, Yun Feiyue only feels this indescribable tension all over her body, holding Jun Qianhuang's hand: "I, I want to see Look at Xiao Zi and Rui Er!"


Jun Qianhuang naturally understood Yun Feiyue's feeling!
Holding her waist, her feet are like a rock, very steady, and every step is very clear!
Hold his hand!
Yun Feiyue only felt a kind of whole-body relaxation, following his steps, he slowly walked towards Xiao Zi and Wen Rui's room...but before Yun Feiyue walked out of the door, the two figures just walked rushed in!

"Mother, the sea has changed!"

Xiao Zi plunged into Yun Feiyue's arms, with deep fear in her eyes: "Mother, this is Haibian!"

"Hey, Xiao Zi is not afraid, not afraid!"

Seeing this, Yun Feiyue felt a 'thump' in her heart, Xiao Zi was as courageous as Chi Xie!

But now...

"Xiao Zi, what is Haibian?"

"I don't know either, I've only seen it twice, sea change usually has terrible things going to happen!" Chucking her nose, Xiao Zi also began to stabilize her mood at this moment: "For sea change, generally speaking, the sea change People cannot escape!"

"It's okay, it's okay! Mother and Daddy are here! Look, Rui'er is here too!"

"Brother Rui'er, aren't you afraid?"

"Me? Scared!"

Nodding, Wen Rui thought for a while: "But, I'm a man!"

"Puchi... Well, men are not afraid!" Yun Feiyue held Wen Rui in her arms with one hand: "Xiao Zi, Rui'er, go to bed and rest, good boy, we will watch over you!"

Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang held a child in one hand and put it on the bed!

At this moment...Suddenly, Yun Feiyue only felt her shoulders heat up, and a strange feeling began to spread along her shoulders...

(End of this chapter)

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