Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1051 Chapter 1071: Be good, Xiao Zi is not afraid

Chapter 1051 Chapter 1071: Be good, Xiao Zi is not afraid

"Little Moon!"

Jun Qianhuang was the first to feel that something was wrong with Yun Feiyue!

Turning around abruptly, he pulled her into his arms, seeing her slightly painful face, he couldn't help but worry a little: "You... what's wrong?"

"Well, it hurts!"

The piercing pain made her feel that something was wrong with her whole body!

Clutching her back, the scorching feeling seemed to melt her entire shoulder: "Huang, my shoulder hurts so much!" Sweat dripped from his forehead, and he bit his lip tightly!

But the pain made her unbearable!
The voice is trembling!

"let me see!"

Jun Qianhuang turned Yun Feiyue around and pulled down the collar, only to see a faint bulge from the originally smooth back, and two colors of black and red began to draw pictures along the bulge... Immediately It made Jun Qianhuang's heart tremble fiercely!

damn it!
It's still the other shore flower!
His face suddenly turned pale!
I thought it would be fine once the God of Darkness passed!

But now it appeared before his eyes again, damn it, what does this mean?
When the God of Darkness left, he said: You can't take it lightly, if you can't protect her, you will regret it just like me...

Thinking of this, Jun Qianhuang's heart became more and more puzzled, what exactly does this represent?
"Huang! I... I can't help it!"

Tightly grasping Jun Qianhuang's arm, exerting a slight force on her fingers, the sharp nails have already scratched Jun Qianhuang's arm, but now Jun Qianhuang can't care about her own pain, looking at Yun Feiyue The look of pain!
He can't wait to knock her out directly!
Wrapping her waist with one hand, let her lie prone on his arms, and gently brushed the weird pattern on the back with one hand!
I saw that pattern gradually became clear!
Red petals, black meridians...the entire flower is emitting a black light...


Xiaozi's heart was also tense, and suddenly, she said fiercely: "Daddy, close the window!" Before Jun Qianhuang could react, she rushed over and slammed the window shut, her whole body softened and fell to the ground , with deep fear in his breath!
"Daddy... just now... that black thing on the sea surface just now... it seems... it seems!"

The pupils shrink rapidly!
Xiao Zi's whole body fell into fear!
Seeing this, Wen Rui also slid off the bed, walked towards Xiao Zi, and hugged Xiao Zi tightly in his arms: "Be good, be good Xiao Zi, don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

"Brother Rui'er, I'm not afraid!"

Looking at Wen Rui's appearance, Xiao Zi was a little quieter, but when she saw the black flower on Yun Feiyue's shoulder, her face darkened again: "Daddy, just now I felt that the flower on Mother's body seemed to be the same as The dark breath outside is surging together!"

These words surprised Jun Qianhuang from the bottom of her heart!
What... what does this mean?
Frowning, pursing his lips tightly, seeing the patterns on Yun Feiyue's shoulders slowly disappearing, he was relieved, but looking at Yun Feiyue's pale face at this moment, his heart suddenly It hurts fiercely: "I have to take you to find it first, what the hell is this!"

"Don't...don't worry!"

Looking at Jun Qianhuang's strong self-blame!
Yun Feiyue's heart was also uncomfortable: "I feel that if this thing encounters a dark aura, it will react, maybe... Is there any ulterior secret in my body?"

(End of this chapter)

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