Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1056 Chapter 1076: Hmph, mere ants!

Chapter 1056 Chapter 1076: Hmph, mere ants!


Watching Wen Rui's body start to fall towards the ground!
Yun Feiyue was shocked!
She hugged him fiercely, with deep worry in her voice: "Rui'er!" There was a hint of gratitude in her eyes!

"Hey, Rui'er take a good rest, how can Rui'er be a waste if he is so good!" Yun Feiyue's heart ached a little at this moment after stroking his blue hair, such a lovely him!

Why would the family dislike it so much?
He...although he has no aura, but...he is not a waste either!
Slowly, she put him on the big bed, covered him with a quilt, and injected a burst of spiritual energy. Seeing his pale face gradually turn rosy, Yun Feiyue breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of her heart!

Xiao Zi made do with it!
She said distressedly: "Brother Rui'er is so good, how could these stupid people bully him like this!" Xiao Zi's eyes were dyed a little red!
The tone of voice is also a look of gnashing teeth!

"Hey, don't worry, he's overdoing it, he'll be fine after a rest!"

Shaking her head and letting Xiao Zi sit down, Yun Feiyue took out the elixir and put it in his mouth: "Maybe it's this special breath that suppressed the feather energy in his body? Maybe it can Make him recover!"

In the eyes!
Dyed with a thick firmness!

She, Yun Feiyue will never let Wen Rui be like this for the rest of her life!
Taking a deep breath, with a sneer, he looked at the black whirlpool outside, and the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc: "Okay, you guard Rui'er and never leave, you understand!"

I can clearly feel that my shoulder has recovered!

Feeling that terrifying aura suppressed, Yun Feiyue slowly stood up: "I'll go and see the situation outside!"

"Okay, mother, I will take good care of brother Rui'er!"

"It's so good, this is my good boy!"

Smiling, he stretched out his hand to rub the top of her head, and then flew towards Jun Qianhuang: "Huang!" Her voice was calm and there was a hint of happiness!
"Yue'er, are you alright?"

Looking at Yun Feiyue's appearance, Jun Qianhuang's heart also felt a bit of astonishment!
After a while: "You still..."

"Huang, it's okay!"

Shaking her head, she stared at the swirling nest on the sea: "A mere ant dares to go against my husband, that's courting death!" The bloodthirst at the corner of her mouth became more and more intense!
The cold killing intent in the eyes is so obvious!
Suddenly, the surface of the sea trembled slightly, obviously carrying a terrifying feeling~
"Huang, even if you make a bold move, his dark aura won't be able to move me today!"

"it is good!"

Hear it!

Although Jun Qianhuang's heart is full of curiosity and puzzlement!

But he understands better that Yun Feiyue is really fine now!
Then, he can't do it, his hands and feet are bound, and he doesn't need to worry about hurting his little woman!
Raising his big palm, such a terrifying feather energy began to linger around him: "Very good, very good! You dare to threaten me, then I will let you know what an ant is!"


I saw his fingers slightly raised~
Immediately, that ray of light from the double sky of ice and fire slammed down towards the sea again and again...


"No~ no, how could this happen!"

The ear-piercing call came from the bottom of the sea in an instant, full of desperation and incredible...but the hatred was also very strong~——

(End of this chapter)

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