Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1057 Chapter 1077: Get rid of you!very simple

Chapter 1057 Chapter 1077: Get rid of you!very simple

"go with!"

Jun Qianhuang's figure exploded!

The pure white feathers condensed on his fingertips again, and his eyes were filled with strong anger; "How can you bully my wife!"

With this loud drink!
That streak of pure white feathers slammed down on the very center of the whirling nest, bringing with it a monstrous jet of water, and the sea surface became calm just like that... The tumbling waves just now completely disappeared like this!

As if it had never been here!

Never existed!

The sea water gradually turned into azure blue, but the center of the whirling lair gradually revealed a patch of red... dyeing this area red!

The smell of blood in the air is so strong!

"Well, it stinks!"

Suddenly, a soaring stench began to emanate from the sea surface, causing the expressions of Jun Qianhuang and Yun Feiyue to change suddenly, and they couldn't help stretching out their hands to cover their noses: "What is causing the trouble?"

"Look, it should surface soon!"

Jun Qianhuang waved her finger!
After purifying the air in an instant, it made me feel a little better!
I saw Yun Feiyue's eyes rounded, staring quietly at the already calm sea surface, the bright moonlight sprinkled on the sea surface, emitting traces of light, which made this place a bit clearer.


At this moment, Xiao Zi dragged Wen Rui with a pale face and rushed over: "Mother, I'm here!"

His eyes are shining brightly!
Said frantically: "I want to take Brother Ruier to fly, Feifei!"



Look at Xiao Zi's flying speed!

Look at Wen Rui's already pale face~
Immediately, Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang looked at each other, is this really good?
Uh, why does it look like Wen Rui is about to vomit blood!
Well, but I feel that they are very cute like this, and Wen Rui's tolerance is also quite huge!

At this moment, Xiaotian's soft voice also came over: "Finally someone can pamper that little scoundrel!" Xiaotian's voice was full of helplessness~
God knows, how he was bullied by this little witch before!
But she is a woman, so I can only endure it!

"Is Xiaotian unhappy?"

"how could be?"

Xiaotian shook his head: "What Xiaozi needs is tolerance! I look at Brother Ruier very well!" There was a bit of excitement in his voice, but also a bit of embarrassment, and finally he could resume his quiet life again!
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue could only helplessly shake her head!
It seems that Xiaotian is still so withdrawn, and nothing has changed because of Xiaozi's liveliness!
"Xiao Zi, slow down, don't drop Rui'er!"

"Yes, mother, I understand!"

Xiao Zi had a great time playing, and Wen Rui, who was being held tightly by her, looked much better at the moment, probably because he was familiar with him: "Auntie, it's fine!" Nodding, his face was full of tolerance that only a brother can have. !


At this moment, there was movement on the surface of the water!

Immediately, Xiao Zi quickly pulled Wen Rui to Yun Feiyue's side: "Mother, it seems that something is coming up!"

Sure enough, I saw bubbles began to appear on the surface of the sea~~
There was a 'gurgling' sound, and Ji Shuangyue immediately looked here... Sure enough, the water surface began to roll, which immediately made Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang feel so curious in their hearts!

What the hell is this!

Naturally, the two also stretched their defenses to avoid troubles that shouldn't happen...

(End of this chapter)

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