Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1074 Chapter 1094: Phoenix, the Call of the Phoenix Clan

Chapter 1074 Chapter 1094: Phoenix, the Call of the Phoenix Clan


Slender fingers gently scratched her nose, Jun Qianhuang's heart was full of happiness!

Listen to the voice blowing like blue in the ear!

This made him couldn't help showing a sinister arc, and said slowly: "But I've always liked you as domineering, what should I do?" Holding her face with both hands, she gently kissed her , and then said: "Looking at you like this, I always feel that you seem to have something to say?"

Brows, raised slightly!

He always felt that this little woman's mind seemed a little...

"Tell me, let's see if I can promise you!"



Now Yun Feiyue was also dumbfounded!
The man in love is a fortune teller, so he can also know the calculations in her heart!

Knowing everything, she didn't bother to go around the corner!

With a flattering smile: "Actually, it's nothing special. You know it, Xiaoluan. After all, you are a member of the Feng clan. I want to take advantage of your busy time and I don't have much to do, so I can take Xiaoluan to look for it." Let's go to the Feng Clan!"

Carefully looking at Jun Qianhuang in front of her!

I'm afraid he will be angry!
I couldn't help but said softly: "Don't worry, I won't leave your territory, so it's okay, right?"

Put your hands together, with a strong prayer!
Naturally, she also knew Jun Qianhuang's worries, but... if she were to be imprisoned here every day, it seemed that this was not the life she wanted!
"Oh! I knew it was like this!"

Sigh hard!

The slender fingers gently rubbed the top of her head, but there was a hint of depth in her eyes, and she lost her voice for a while~
Immediately, Yun Feiyue felt a deep worry in her heart... She knew his worry, and she also understood... But, after all, she doesn't like such a captive girl, if she can't do it, it's fine to hold her high status every day!

What's more~
She still wants to find out the whereabouts of her father?
"Huang, let me go this time, anyway, it's not far, not far. As for the Nanshan lineage, I'll wait until you're free, can't you?"

"Oh, just promise me, I will be careful this time!"

"Huang, can I take Xiao Jiu and Chi Xie with me?"



Looking at Jun Qianhuang pleadingly again and again, Yun Feiyue was ready for anything in her heart!
Look at this!

Jun Qianhuang's expression also softened a bit, and she said slowly: "What did Xiaoluan say?"

The sudden question made Yun Feiyue unable to react for a while...until she saw Jun Qianhuang's teasing look, she blushed a lot: "Well, Xiaoluan also felt the Feng clan's in this fast place. Out of breath!"

A little more seriously!
Although Xiaoluan doesn't talk much, she is very responsible!

Now Ah Guang's cooperation with her has improved a lot, so naturally she doesn't have too many worries!

Feel Yun Feiyue's seriousness!
Jun Qianhuang knew that her little girl was going to grow up even though she was deeply reluctant in her heart, so she pulled her into her arms fiercely, and said slowly: "Okay, can't I promise you? "

"Huang!" These words made Yun Feiyue's heart tremble fiercely!
Her man always pampers herself so much, how does this make her heart not soft...

"Hey, come back soon!"

With a leisurely sigh, Jun Qianhuang's heart was also filled with reluctance... Slowly kissed her on the face...

(End of this chapter)

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