Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1075 Chapter 1095: Mother, and us

Chapter 1075 Chapter 1095: Mother, and us

No matter how reluctant she was in her heart, Jun Qianhuang also knew that Yun Feiyue was careful, she sighed leisurely, and said slowly: "If you want to go, I will naturally not object, you have to pay attention to everything, okay?"

"Huang, I'm sorry to make you worry again! I..."

She opened her mouth, but she didn't know what she was going to say!
With deep apology in his eyes, but also with extreme reluctance, he held his hand tightly and bit his lip slightly!

Seeing her like this, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help chuckling.

Just like this, his hands gently wrapped around her waist, and his chin rested on her shoulder.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise a slight smile, with a feeling of happiness in his heart!
Does she really care about herself?

Thinking of this, he became even more gentle.

"Are you trying to laugh at me again?" Hearing his laughter, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but blushed, pouted lightly, and pouted her little mouth as if she was a little displeased!

Lowering her head and kissing her face, Jun Qianhuang slowly felt happy in her heart, and said briskly, "How could it be?"

The eyes are full of tenderness: "It's too late to be happy! How can I laugh at you? Be good, Madam should know how to be careful about being a husband, right?"

The slender fingers gently scratched her delicate nose, and bent down again to kiss her delicate mouth!
Hear it!

Yun Feiyue also had a bit of shyness in her eyes, but she raised her head arrogantly, and said in an arrogant voice: "It's not too bad! Otherwise, I have to ignore you!"

These words completely dumbfounded Jun Qianhuang!

Half a day will fail God!
Seems like I was wrong again?
It seems that everything he said is wrong?
With a dark face, he hugged her so easily: "Good boy, shouldn't you let your husband eat first?"

Xie Mei smiled, and before Yun Feiyue could react, she filled her up like this, and walked quickly into the inner room...

Time flies, and a few days have passed like this!

Even though the two of them were reluctant in their hearts, they were not too sticky!

Linglong also hadn't rushed back because he was escorting Mujin, Yun Feiyue simply explained to Jun Qianhuang!

It's just that Xiaoluan is naturally the most excited along the way!
Excitement is written all over that monstrous face!
Can faintly see the excitement in the eyes!
"Thank you, Feiyue!" Slowly, she looked at Yun Feiyue with great excitement!
I can't express my emotion in words!
Looking at the excited Xiao Luan, Yun Feiyue also smiled lightly: "There is no thanks between us, and that's what we should do."

Frowning, she said lightly: "Even if it wasn't you, I still have to go, how can I forget my old friend's explanation! Ha ha."

A light laugh, but it is full of scoundrels!

She still understands Prince Feng's dying confession!

Slowly lifting the curtain, looking into the distance through the rickety carriage window!
Just wish this all worked out!
No, it should be done with life!

"Mother, don't worry, everything is still with us!" Chi Xie looked at Yun Feiyue's face, and his heart was full of reluctance!
The little hand holds her hand, with a sweet smile!
The eyes are so firm!
"Mother, you still have me!!! And me!!!"

Xiao Jiu couldn't help but leaned over, put her face against Yun Feiyue's, and her small body also climbed up, smiling sweetly, touching Yun Feiyue's heart!
(End of this chapter)

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