Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1086 Chapter 1107: Well, Xiao Luan is a normal person

Chapter 1086 Chapter 1107: Well, Xiao Luan is a normal person

Xiao Luan didn't notice Ling Nu's little thought!
Naturally, she didn't feel her blushing!
Just thinking about the toes a little bit, watching Yun Feiyue gradually fade out of his sight, he reluctantly moved his sight over!

"You...Young Master, can I...can I call you Xiaoluan?"

I saw the spirit girl blushing slightly, with a bit of suppressed excitement and a little excitement: "I don't know if that is your wife?"



Hearing this, Xiaoluan was dumbfounded!

He frowned calmly. Originally, he wanted to refute, but for some reason, he always felt something was wrong in his heart, so he simply showed a faint smile to the spirit girl: "Yeah!" He nodded noncommittally!
But the meaning of these words falling in the heart of the spiritual girl is completely different!

Naturally, she took this as Xiaoluan's default: "I really envy you, the relationship between husband and wife seems to be good?" She tilted her head with a bit of innocence!

His eyes sparkled.

It seems to be infected with a bit of excitement!

This made Xiaoluan's brows slightly relaxed, but his heart became more and more weird!

Looking quietly at the spiritual girl who is smiling like a flower in front of her eyes, she always feels that this smile carries an incomprehensible emotion~

Nod again!
Xiaoluan has no intention of continuing this topic!

If you let the king know that you have just acquiesced to this inexplicable relationship, I am afraid that you will have to confess your life directly!

"Spirit girl, if you need it later, you can just tell me!" After thinking about it, Xiao Luan did not forget Yun Feiyue's secret confession, and couldn't help feeling a little resentful!

Does this little girl know how to run on her own?

Really, knowing that this product is of the dark type, from the city of black water, and... it seems that I am really worthless?
Continue to complain!
I couldn't help but glanced in the direction where Yun Feiyue left~
However, his resentment and resentment fell into the eyes of Lingnv, but it didn't mean that, it was vividly interpreted as a feeling of reluctance for his wife!
I don't know why, but the spirit girl also has a bit of resentment in her heart!
Such a man, such an expression, why didn't it fall on me?

"Xiao Luan, don't be restrained when you're with me!" Ling Nu said with a bit of shyness and embarrassment on her face, "My name is Liu Xue, you can just call me Liu Xue." Snow!"

"I'm afraid..."

"It's okay, isn't the name used to be called?"

Feeling Xiaoluan's unfamiliarity and faint resistance, this made Liu Xue's heart faintly unhappy!

It's just that the innocence on his face became more and more obvious, and he said softly: "Let's go, the mercenaries here can't wait, if you need Xiaoluan later, don't get angry with me! "


Liu Xue even blinked at Xiao Luan~~
I have to say that every expression of hers is so natural, so delicate, not to mention men, even women are easily infected by her!

It's a pity...Xiao Luan is not a normal person!

Well, it should be said that he doesn't have the thinking of a normal person anymore, it seems that Yun Feiyue is already indescribably angry at this moment!
"Okay, okay, let's go!"

Nodding quickly, Xiaoluan showed a smile that was uglier than crying... But this smile made Liu Xue feel a little bit of happiness and shyness in her heart...

(End of this chapter)

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