Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1087 Chapter 1108: My heart is bleeding

Chapter 1087 Chapter 1108: My heart is bleeding
Xiao Luan followed Liu Xue, her heart was already bleeding~
Although Liu Xue didn't deliberately torment him, she used him as a servant and liked to call him for everything~
"Little Luan..."

"Little Luan..."

"Little Luan..."

A gentle tone of voice, urging without any affectation... even stood up, stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, which made Xiaoluan feel bad all over!

The eyes couldn't help but dim a bit!
But there was a faint anger in his heart, did Yun Feiyue deliberately entrap him?
Woohoo, think about your identity as the future king of the Feng clan!
Now it's the tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by the dog!

Xiaoluan looked around, as if waiting for Yun Feiyue's arrival, which aroused a little bit of jealousy in Liu Xuena's heart, and ordered Xiaoluan more and more frequently!The provoked Xiao Luan complained a little from the bottom of her heart, wishing to tear up Liu Xue in front of her eyes!
The busy Liu Xue didn't feel Xiaoluan's anger!

This made her feel somewhat excited in her heart!
Did you raise your head and look at the busy Xiaoluan, and you don't know why there is always a feeling of happiness in your heart!

It seems that she wants to find a way to get rid of that woman and leave this man...

Thinking of this, Liu Xue also understood a little bit in her heart.

"Fei Yue, is it really okay for you to leave Xiao Luan over there like this?"

Back at the inn, I saw Ah Guang lazily lying on the chair, with an uncle-like look on his face: "You have to know, that thing is of the dark type. Once you make a move, who can predict what will happen?"

Casually, he threw a spiritual fruit into his mouth!
It has to be said that the spiritual fruit grown in Yunfeiyue's space tasted so delicious that he couldn't put it down!
"Mother, I also think that woman looks like a wolf!"

Xiao Jiu pouted!

Carefully recalled: "Looking at Xiao Luan's eyes makes me get goosebumps!"


My whole body trembled: "I think mother, you should go there earlier?"

"rest assured!"

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue also had a plan in her heart, so she naturally prepared for Xiaoluan early, and said slowly: "Even if Liu Xue wanted to make a move, she wouldn't do it out of nowhere, not to mention that we went there in a high-profile manner today. His place!"


A frightened smile rose from the corner of her mouth: "If something happens to Xiaoluan, how will she explain it?"

"Aren't you afraid that she will deliberately break it? Say Xiaoluan left by herself?"

Thinking of this, Qiu Zeyang couldn't help but tremble all over!
Although he didn't show up, he could clearly see what these mercenaries were doing!
"Zeyang, although these mercenaries have brainwashed her, why are they not her shackles at the same time?" Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue's opinion is different!
He frowned slightly!
Slowly said: "What she has to do is to be gentle, generous, and considerate! Naturally, she will not attack Xiaoluan openly. Once she strikes at Xiaoluan, it may seem like nothing, but it will shake these people's minds! Mercenaries They are like wolves and tigers one by one, that's why they are so protective of her who is gentle, generous and considerate!"

Hear it!

This makes it clear to all!
It is because this woman is so good at pretending to be a good person that the mercenary is so determined!
Also use this advantage to find your own needs!
If something happens to Xiao Luan, then... Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help showing disdainful eyes towards Yun Feiyue...

(End of this chapter)

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