Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1089 Chapter 1110: How good is Jiang Zi?

Chapter 1089 Chapter 1110: How good is Jiang Zi?
"You...is what you said true?"

Xiao Zi grabbed Wen Rui's hand, and her eyes sparkled: "Okay, I must work hard to retreat, so that I will forget that I am not such a milk baby next time!"

Listen to Wen Rui!

Xiao Zi couldn't help being a little bit happier in her heart!
The glare in the eyes is also a bit obvious!
Look at this!

Although Yun Feiyue was reluctant in her heart, but in the end both of them were her loved ones, she sighed leisurely: "Sure enough, it's the girls who don't want to stay, so I, as a mother, don't object to this matter." , okay?" Fingers, with a little pantothenic acid, circled Xiao Zi in his arms!
Gently poked her forehead!

Ah, Nima, how old is this... No, no, in fact, Xiao Zi is only small in appearance, but... in fact, she has already experienced countless trials and hardships!

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue couldn't help looking at Xiao Jiu with a little worry...

As for Chi Xie, she is not worried!
Although Chixie is also an old monster, it is different from Xiaojiu and Xiaozi after all, it is completely closed, just like Xiaojiu actually lived in the mother's womb these years, and he still stayed in his childhood in his heart. It's a bit of a relief!

"Mother!" Xiao Jiu felt the movement in Yun Feiyue's heart!

He simply stretched out his pink and tender little hands, circled Yun Feiyue, and said in a childish voice: "Mother, Xiao Jiu will stay with you, okay?"

"not good!"

"not good!"

Yun Feiyue and Chi Xie's voices sounded at the same time, immediately making everyone dumbfounded again!
Could it be... is Chi Xie also confused?
Well, what season is this anyway?

"Mother, Xiaojiu is already lazy enough, if you give her the privilege not to get out now, she won't even go to retreat later!" Frowning, Chi Xie obviously didn't react to everyone's astonished eyes, He just said seriously: "Xiao Jiu is already lazy enough! Can't be any more lazy!"



"Evil brother!"

Xiao Jiu heard this!

Pouting her mouth aggrieved, she threw herself into Yun Feiyue's arms: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L K K L M M A N M A

"Xiao Xie, if Xiao Jiu doesn't want to, forget it!"

Yun Feiyue's heart still hurts even more for the delicate and tender daughter raised in her arms: "However, Xiao Jiu, you can't be too disappointing, you know?"

"Mother, I know!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jiu seemed to have received a pardon, raised her brows in embarrassment, and made a grimace at Chi Xie!
Chi Xie also shrugged slightly: "I don't care, what Dad thinks then, that's not what I said..."

These words made everyone dumbfounded again!
It really is black!

As expected it was brought out by Jun Qianhuang, she is darker than ordinary people!
This calmness completely suppressed Xiao Jiu, and even Yun Feiyue felt helpless!
She can guarantee that no matter how Jun Qianhuang promises herself, there are thousands of ways to let Xiaozi go to retreat on her own initiative!

"Xiao Jiu, you can only ask for blessings!" Chi Xie raised his brows tremblingly. He didn't want Xiao Jiu to give up growing up. After all, there were too many dangers around his mother. There is no right to be lazy, after all, the two of them are already brothers and sisters known throughout the continent!

Naturally, they will only see and forever be brother and sister!
(End of this chapter)

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