Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1090 Chapter 1111: Blood?What exactly do you want to do?

Chapter 1090 Chapter 1111: Blood?What exactly do you want to do?

"Brother Xie, you are good or bad!"

With a mournful face, thinking of her father... Well, she admits that her father spoils and loves her very much!

But... After all, he is also very strict with himself!
Naturally, I also understand Dad's good intentions: "Hmph, isn't it just retreat, one day I can survive the thunder disaster, and then I can become a beautiful woman, a woman more beautiful than mother!" Chin, hold your fingers tightly!

"Then when the time comes, I, the older brother, will definitely give you a dowry and send you out!"



This question seems to be a bit far-fetched!

Everyone turned black again...

"Okay, let's arrange things like this, Xiao Qi!" Yun Feiyue quickly called out the Colorful Sky Swallowing Python, and said seriously: "Xiao Qi, you are responsible for inquiring about the latest situation!"

"Well, Crimson Moon!"

Xiao Qi nodded, her eyes were stained with a bit of caution, and her figure quickly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes!
Yun Feiyue took Xiao Jiu out of the inn!
look for food!

I have to say that the restaurant is indeed a place with a lot of people, so naturally these news came the fastest!
This small inn in front of me was already filled with an unknown number of people. Yun Feiyue took Xiao Jiu to find an inconspicuous place, sat down, and listened to the discussions of people around him with great interest. !
"Hey, the spirit girl is finally here, isn't she looking forward to the stars and the moon?"

"Isn't it a good thing to come here? Those of us can also cure diseases, but I don't have any medicinal materials, so it seems that I can only send some blood!"

"Blood is not something valuable, as long as it can cure diseases!"

Need blood!
Immediately, Yun Feiyue's nerves tensed up again. What on earth is this thing that needs blood?

"Hey, this son, does the spirit girl need blood?" Yun Feiyue lowered her voice and asked curiously, "Is there any use for this blood?"

"Are you the first foreigner here?"

"Yes, I also have patients, but I don't have any medicinal materials, so I don't know what to do!" At this moment, Yun Feiyue deliberately showed a sad face: "Listening to the son's words now makes me a little curious." Point, this blood..."

"This girl doesn't know. The spirit girl said that because blood is a good thing, it can be used to refine more medicinal elixirs, which can also help people!"

"Isn't it? But most people prefer to use medicinal materials. Those of us who don't have it can only do this!"

"Oh, that's it!" Nodding, Yun Feiyue said slowly, "Then...then when did she need blood?"

"This... this is not very clear!"

I saw one of the warm-hearted people said: "When this spiritual girl came here, she was very low-key, and only charged a small amount of money each time. It seems... It seems that since last year, it was said that it would be better if she could provide her with some medicinal materials. The next time I said that blood can also refine medicine!"


In this way, the spirit girl should have really lost her bag!
After all, it is normal for the spirit girl to charge fees, and the fees are not much, which proves that the spirit girl has a good temper!
But... After all, I have no evidence!
If you say this, people will not believe you. Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue felt a little bit embarrassed: "Damn, what is this thing that needs blood?"

The bottom of my heart is also faintly weird...

(End of this chapter)

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