Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1093 Chapter 1114: Damn, highway robbery?

Chapter 1093 Chapter 1114: Damn, highway robbery?
The next morning!
Yun Feiyue tidied up and sorted out everything before walking towards the village!
I have to say, this Liu Xue is also quite successful!
All the mercenaries basically gathered in this very remote but secluded mountain village, and even worshiped her as a god!

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue was also a little curious in her heart!

How did this woman do it!
The pace was a little slow, and there was a faint worry in her heart. Taking a deep breath, Yun Feiyue suppressed all these thoughts in her heart, but her brows were still frowning, as if she had a knot in her heart that couldn't be solved!
At this moment, the tips of Yun Feiyue's ears moved slightly, and a cold murderous intent radiated from her eyes: "Tsk tsk, is there someone lying in ambush here?" The tone of her voice was very weak, but there was obvious anger !

"Fei Yue, someone seems to be here specifically for you!"

Qiu Zeyang's eyes were also a little cold!

Although he is still in the space of the Jiuqu Huntian Bracelet, his connection to the outside world is still very obvious!

The tone was also a bit cold: "Go and see Xiaoluan first, let Xiaobai and I stand together!"

"it is good!"

Nodding her head, Yun Feiyue said indifferently: "It seems that someone doesn't want me to go there, but who is this person?"

"Fei Yue, it's not time to study this issue, now...you should hurry over there!"

Abai did not know when he had already stood beside Yun Feiyue, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "As long as you pass by, these problems will be solved!"

"Okay, you and Zeyang should pay attention, bring enough pills!"

"Don't worry, can we still forget these things?"

Hearing this, Qiu Zeyang laughed softly: "Now this pill has become candy, and it's everywhere in the whole space!"


Following Yun Feiyue, I never knew that pills are actually very precious things!

Seeing this, Yun Feiyue was naturally relieved, and then turned around and walked towards the village from other places... But Yun Feiyue suddenly realized that she seemed to have underestimated these people!

This seems to have sealed off all the places leading to the spiritual girl's residence!

My heart 'thumped' a bit!
Could it be... Could it be that this woman did something to Xiao Luan?

Immediately, Yun Feiyue felt deeply worried, if it wasn't because Xiaoluan had already made a contract with her, she felt that Xiaoluan was fine, she would be worried...


Just when Yun Feiyue was distracted!

Suddenly a small group of people rushed out, with a strong killing intent in their eyes, and the terrifying aura was released, making everyone around feel a terrible aura~
"Hmph, this road is open for me, if you want to pass, leave the money for the road!"

The leading man has a savage face, with fierce glints in his eyes!
The fleshy face makes people feel a kind of fear!
Yun Feiyue pursed her lips tightly, looking at the group of people in front of her who looked like bandits, her heart became more and more disdainful, these idiots, do they think they are bandits when they wear bandit clothes?
Although the bottom of my heart is disdainful!
But there was a trace of deep fear in his eyes, and he held the package in his hand tightly: "No, I... I, I, I just want to send this little money to the spirit girl. You can't rob me." !" The voice trembled slightly, but the hearts of these men were faintly excited!

Sure enough... is this woman a persimmon?

(End of this chapter)

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