Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1094 Chapter 1115: Damn, besieged halfway

Chapter 1094 Chapter 1115: Damn, besieged halfway
"Oh? Are you going to rob me?"

Yun Feiyue simply stopped the movement of her feet, with an evil smile on the corner of her mouth, looking at the so-called robbers in front of her with a half-smile!

The aura on his body was released slowly, and his tone was a bit cold: "So, is this girl really so easy to bully?"

When the robbers swarmed up, they couldn't find their lines!

Immediately, I felt that my face was not bright, and the leader's vicious eyes were shining coldly: "Hmph, since you know that we are robbing, why don't you cooperate with me, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood!"

"How to cooperate?"

Tilting her head, Yun Feiyue felt that her mood seemed to be getting better!
These idiots don't look like robbers at all!

"Tsk tsk, seeing that you are still cooperative, I won't make things difficult for you, sir, how about it?"

The leader at the head was also taken aback!
Then he said in awe: "You are a girl, why don't you follow us up the mountain and become the village owner's wife, how about that?" Those wretched eyes couldn't help looking at Yun Feiyue.

have to say!

Yunfeiyue is extremely beautiful, so beautiful that people can't wait to have it!

"Oh, what kind of cottage are you!"

"Beauty, you don't need to ask about this, just follow the uncle, and you will know it naturally!"

"Tsk tsk!"

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue said with a smile that was not a smile: "But this girl looks at you as if you are not bandits occupying land as kings. How can I say that?" Her voice raised a little bit!
The sarcasm at the corner of his mouth became thicker...

Immediately, the faces of those so-called bandits also changed slightly. The bandit leader who had been pityful just now couldn't help saying: "Oh, according to the girl's opinion, who are we?"

"City of Blackwater, you just want to kill people, don't you?"

Why did the people in Blackwater City want to kill themselves?
Is the spiritual girl related to the people of Blackwater City?
Or is it purely because of bad luck?
Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue's heart is also puzzled!

"Girl, I know too much, I'm afraid it's not good!" The leader's face suddenly changed: "I wanted to save your life, but now I've lived too long watching you!"


Suddenly the aura of the whole body was condensed!

There was a hint of cold whistling in his eyes: "Then, go die~" Immediately, with that powerful aura, he attacked Yun Feiyue overwhelmingly...

Feel this terrible momentum!

Yun Feiyue narrowed her eyes slightly!
With a spin, he evaded his attack, but he began to think in his heart. He could neither expose his old background, nor just catch him without a fight. Naturally, he had concerns. This battle was quite troublesome!

"not good!"

At this moment, Xiao Luan suddenly let go of the work in his hands, stood up abruptly, with a trace of coldness on his face: "Something happened to Feiyue!"

turn around~
I'm leaving this yard~
Xiaoluan's sudden movement shocked Liu Xue, and she quickly put down her work!
She followed Xiaoluan, and held his hand tightly: "What's the matter, did something happen?" There was a bit of worry in her eyes~ But God knows how angry she is at the moment?
(End of this chapter)

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