Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1095 Chapter 1116: Damn, who dares to touch her!

Chapter 1095 Chapter 1116: Damn, who dares to touch her!

"Something happened to the moon!"

Pursing her lips, Xiao Luan looked at Liu Xue in front of her lightly!

A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes!
Shaking off her hand: "You're busy, I'll go find Yue!"

Before Liu Xue could react, he turned around and rushed towards Yun Feiyue at a high speed...

"Hey, Xiaoluan, wait for me, maybe I can help!" Looking at the back of Xiaoluan who hastily ran out, Liu Xue stomped her feet, gritted her teeth slightly, took a deep breath, and opened her eyes. There is a lot of anger in my heart!

But don't dare to neglect!

Just like that, he rushed out with vigorous steps!
At this moment, Yun Feiyue suffered a severe wound on her shoulder, and blood stains slowly slipped down from her shoulder along the light-colored clothes, staining it all red!
There are thick bloodshot eyes!
Gritting his teeth slightly!

At this moment, her heart was full of anger: "Hmph, it's your skill to have so many big men bullying a girl. Is that what people in Blackwater City are like?"

The figure is still tall and straight!

The tone of voice has a chilling feeling!
"I wanted to leave you a way out, but you don't need it yourself, so how can you resent us!"

The leader at the head has an extremely ugly face!

Damn woman!

He actually hurt his own person!

His body condensed a strong aura, his eyes were cold, with a strong killing intent: "The game is over, sir, I don't have time to play with you!" Looking at his men who were injured one by one, his heart was full of pain. Also infected with thick anger!

"go to hell!"

With that roar!
The thick spiritual energy formed a sharp long sword, and it attacked Yun Feiyue fiercely with that thick aura...

I saw Yun Feiyue's pupils shrinking sharply, she pursed her lips slightly, and covered her wound with one hand... Seeing that the long sword was about to sink into her chest...


"damn it!"

at the same time!

Two voices sounded, and I saw Xiaoluan's black hair fluttering in the wind, her perfect figure spun gracefully, and she went towards Yun Feiyue with one hand, pulling her behind him, and with the other hand, the thick spiritual energy Hit hard...

'bang bang bang'

'bang bang bang'

'bang bang bang'

Several loud bangs in a row!

I just feel that the earth is shaking!Countless dust was raised on the ground...

I just feel that the whole world seems to be changing color!
"Ah!" Liu Xue, who followed closely, had a pale face, watching Xiao Luan rushing towards Yun Feiyue recklessly, and never expected that Xiao Luan's aura was so terrifying, with the power of one person, Those who were attacked by these bandits were thrown off their feet!

Covering your face with your hands...

Showing a look of astonishment and panic~
"Xiao Luan! Are you okay!" Those black and white eyes looked at Xiao Luan worriedly!
It's a pity that Xiaoluan's attention never stayed on her, but just stared at the panicked bandits with a face full of anger!
There was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: "Where did you come from, then where do you go!"

Hearing this, looking at Xiaoluan's furious look!

Everyone was shocked!
It's just that those bandits didn't have time to call out, Xiaoluan's fingertips condensed raging spiritual energy, his chest heaved rapidly, the damn fool dared to hurt Yun Feiyue, he wanted to die!

The aura was like a pile of huge flames, and it rushed out with a 'swipe', instantly enveloping the bandits...

(End of this chapter)

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