Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1096 Chapter 1117: Damn, how could you be so desperate!

Chapter 1096 Chapter 1117: Damn, how could you be so desperate!


"No, no, I don't want to die!"


"Help us, I don't want to die~"

Immediately, the strong fire in Xiaoluan's hand wrapped up these bandits with a strong momentum, and ignited it instantly... only heard the screams, and it exploded like this... The whole scene was very terrifying !
Look at this scene!

Liu Xue's eyes widened, and her hands were tightly clutching her skirt!
Unconsciously, I staggered!
Just like that, she fell down and sat on the ground... probably, she didn't expect that Xiaoluan seemed very gentle, even with a touch of innocence!
However, this lethality is so terrifying!
It's just... His anger was because of another woman!

This caused deep pain in Liu Xue's heart, and she couldn't help looking at Yun Feiyue with a bit of cruelty in her eyes, and she became more and more jealous of Yun Feiyue in her heart!
Shouldn't such an excellent man be his own?
"Yue, are you alright?"

Seeing these bandits being devoured by the raging fire, Xiao Luan's eyes gradually calmed down, but the anger in his heart was still so fierce!
Looking at Yun Feiyue, she also had strong reproach: "Can't you protect yourself? You have to make yourself so dangerous, huh?"

damn it!
How could these little robbers hurt her half?
It's nothing more than wanting to lure him here, so that the spirit girl can also be brought over, naturally... But for this spirit girl, is it really worth it for her to disregard her life so much?
Feel Xiaoluan's anger!
Yun Feiyue was also a little embarrassed, and naturally knew that she had gone too far this time~
She has no regrets!

Just looking at the furious Xiao Luan, Yun Feiyue felt apologetic in her heart: "Xiao Luan, don't be angry, I didn't mean it either, next time..."

"Next time?"

"No, no, no next time!"

Ah, Nima!

Seeing Xiao Luan like this, Yun Feiyue was also drunk!

Who is the master of whom?

Woohoo, she's so pitiful, she was so cruel to her own beast!
But even so, Yun Feiyue is really warm, they are all her partners, from the beginning to the end, she has regarded them as the most important people in her life!
"All right!"

The grievance on Yun Feiyue's face!

The blood on the shoulder was so thick... It calmed Xiaoluan's furious heart a little bit, and she was full of distress at the moment: "Go, let the spirit girl bandage you! Does it still hurt?" The voice was involuntarily gentle point.

God knows!
At this moment, he wished he could directly capture Liu Xue back!
God knows!
At this moment, he wished he could kill Liu Xue directly!

But, all of this will mess up the plan, he can't make Yun Feiyue anxious!

"Well, I'm fine, don't worry!"

Yun Feiyue tried her best to raise a small smile, but the injury on her shoulder was so painful, and that smile was so weak, her pale face, her bloodless lips...everything told everyone that her physical strength had already begun. Overdrawn!
head, leaning lightly on Xiaoluan's shoulder, the whole person seems to have collapsed.

"Ah, I... I'll take a look!"

Liu Xue, who fell to the ground, immediately came back to her senses, suppressed the deep hatred in her heart, and her eyes were stained with worry: "This wound is very deep, I'm afraid I have to go back to my residence. Already!" His eyes were stained with apology!

It's just that the bottom of my heart can't help being a little vicious...
Start changing today!want to support
(End of this chapter)

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