Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1103 Chapter 1124: Strong smell of blood

Chapter 1103 Chapter 1124: Strong smell of blood
"It doesn't matter, the herb itself is grass, and you will be able to distinguish it slowly!"

Nodding, Liu Xue smiled faintly, but her eyes were somewhat cautious: "However, the road will become steeper and steeper in a while, so you have to be careful!" She pursed her lips slightly!

She seemed to be thinking about whether or not to let Yun Feiyue and Xiaoluan follow her!

It's just... her eyes fell on Xiaoluan, but she saw that Xiaoluan only had Yun Feiyue in her eyes, which made her really unwilling in the bottom of her heart!
Take a deep breath!

Liu Xue said slowly: "Xiao Luan, watch carefully for a while!"

"Well, I got it!" Xiaoluan nodded, with some seriousness in her eyes: "Anyway, I will leave Yue's affairs to me. She is a bit stupid, and she thinks she is so smart!"



Nima, this is an excuse to scold people!
Yun Feiyue stared hard, and said fiercely: "I'm just a little stupid, aren't you convinced?"

"Don't dare!"

"Hmph, it's fine if you don't dare!"

He snorted softly!
Yun Feiyue picks her chin arrogantly!
Xiaoluan couldn't help but chuckled lightly: "Look at your peacock-like appearance!"

"You are a peacock, your whole family is a peacock!"

"Yes, yes, my whole family is peacocks!" Looking at Yun Feiyue's petite appearance, Xiao Luan didn't dare to provoke her any longer, and later let Jun Qianhuang know that she was about to shed her skin again!

Following the mountain road, slowly continue walking towards the deep valley below!

I saw that Liu Xue had already collected the medicinal materials into the space, but her eyes were stained with a bit of solemnity. I have to say that Liu Xue was really confused by Xiaoluan's beauty!

Watch her every move!
All with style!

This made Yun Feiyue sigh in her heart, it turns out that beauty is not just about women!

Men can too!
If the group of people could barely speak just now, Yun Feiyue has to seriously face the road under her feet now!Every step is very difficult, looking at the cliff that is close to a straight line, Yun Feiyue intuited that there should be something inside!
Subconsciously looked towards Xiaoluan!

At the same time, Xiaoluan also looked over.

The two of them didn't say anything, they just followed Liu Xue's footsteps slowly...

Step by step!
Letting the scorching sun shine on her body, Yun Feiyue felt that her skin seemed to be 'sizzling', but she didn't dare to use too much spiritual energy, lest it would be exposed!
It would be bad for Liu Xue to be on guard!
"Liu Xue, how far is this road?" I don't know how long it took before Yun Feiyue said, "I'm about to lose it!"


He found a place to sit down at random, showing a tired face!

But the bottom of her heart became more and more confused, and she felt the smell of blood rushing towards her face... Although it was very concealed, she still clearly felt the smell that made that person sick!

"Hurry up, I also accidentally discovered that there are a lot of medicinal materials at the bottom of the valley, which are very rich!" Liu Xue raised her head and looked at Yun Feiyue, with a faint smile on her mouth: "However, the road down the mountain is very difficult. That's it!"

"Hey, it's not just difficult, Liu Xue, have you been here all this time?"

"Well, I'm used to it!"

Nodding, Liu Xue also sat down: "I was terrified when I came here for the first time. I rolled down the hillside. I don't know how I was so lucky that I didn't fall to my death!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue said slowly: "Perhaps this is fate and good luck?"

Well, she wants to know more, what's under there! ——
Wanchang is over
(End of this chapter)

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