Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1104 Chapter 1125: Dark and damp hell

Chapter 1104 Chapter 1125: Dark and damp hell

A group of three, cautiously, walked down the valley step by step!

I have to say that after going down the valley, the whole person felt a strange smell. Looking at this lush valley, the flowers are fragrant and the birds are singing, it is very charming!
It's just that the strong smell of blood at the tip of the nose still faintly rushes towards him!
"Well, it's finally down!"

Yun Feiyue patted her chest, with a pale face, panting and said: "Liu Xue, are there herbs under here? I can feel the fragrance of herbs!" Blinking her eyes, she tried her best to breathe steadily !
"Well, yes, but I'll just find a few useful ones, and keep the others, after all, I have to keep some for others!"


Liu Xue dug up several samples.

After explaining in detail one by one, Yun Feiyue and Xiaoluan dug the medicine together!
The silhouettes of the three of them were buried in the haystack within a short while, and the scent of the medicine quite dilutes the bloody smell a lot. Xiaoluan approached Yun Feiyue, and said directly in his mind: "Feiyue, you Don't you think there seems to be a strong smell of blood here?"

"Well, that's why I'm also wondering, are these herbs watered with blood?"

Unable to bear it, Yun Feiyue dug out a herb and sniffed it on the tip of her nose, but she couldn't feel any bloody smell!

This made her even more curious!
"Hey, does the blood she collects have other functions?"

Frowning, Yun Feiyue felt a strange feeling in her heart: "However, why do I always feel that there is a familiar atmosphere here?" Take a deep breath!
Yun Feiyue's eyes were filled with worry!
Seeing her worry, Xiao Luan said slowly: "If you are really worried, why don't we follow her?"

"do not!"

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue slowly raised her head and glanced at Liu Xue who was already looking for a chance to stay away from them: "Obviously she wants to leave, why not give her a chance to leave!"

There is a cold light in the eyes!
There was a slight evil smile on the corner of his mouth!

There is something so strange about this woman!

"Yue Yun, Xiao Luan!"

At this moment, she slowly raised her head and looked towards this side: "You guys dig here first, be careful, I'll go... I'll go to make it easier!" Embarrassment appeared on his face!
"Okay, I see, you should be careful too!"

Yun Feiyue raised a small smile, and continued to bend over and start digging herbs!

"Hey, don't tell me, the smell of medicinal herbs here is very strong, I always feel that there should be something else!" When Liu Xue's figure disappeared before her eyes, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but whispered: "It's better to say that Liu Xue Have a problem yourself?"

"How about I go take a look?"

"No, you stay here, I'll go and have a look myself!" Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue didn't intend to give up this opportunity!
She instantly held her breath!
Followed up at a speed like a ghost!
At this moment, Liu Xue didn't notice that someone was coming behind her, and naturally she didn't have too much disguise, she just started to move forward on this path at high speed!

I saw that the originally gentle face was replaced by coldness, like a god of evil!
The eyes are full of rich black aura!
Holding a small Gu in his hand, he slowly walked towards the depths~
It has to be said that this place is very dark and damp, like an underground prison, which makes Yun Feiyue's heart tremble, damn it, what kind of place is this, and what terrible secret is it hiding?
(End of this chapter)

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