Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1107 Chapter 1129: Spiritualism

Chapter 1107 Chapter 1129: Spiritualism

Hold your breath!
Yun Feiyue just felt that her heartbeat was completely wrong!


Stare hard!
It seems that I am afraid that I have read something wrong!
The body trembled violently!
Clenching her fists tightly with both hands, the deep fear was so obvious in her eyes, so...

"Crimson Moon!"

Feeling something was wrong with Yun Feiyue, Ah Bai couldn't help calling softly: "What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

Probably Ah Bai's tone of voice was more excited, after all, it was to bring Yun Feiyue back to her senses, but those eyes were stained with a bit of murderous intent, and the red bloodshot eyes were full of white eye sockets!
Lower your voice!
He said fiercely: "Damn it, isn't this my mother? Damn it, why don't these people let my mother go!"

If I remember correctly!
At the beginning, the Holy Light Hall also said that it would use Niangqin as an experiment!
Could it be... the so-called experiment is not the Temple of Holy Light, but the city of black water in front of you?

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue began to exude a strong killing intent, and the anger in those eyes jumped faintly!

Feel Yun Feiyue's anger!

Abai couldn't care less!
She suddenly came out of the space, and hugged Yun Feiyue tightly: "Feiyue, don't worry, although this is probably your mother, we shouldn't be anxious now!" There is a deep look in my eyes!
"Not in a hurry? Are you not in a hurry?"

Try to control your emotions!

Yun Feiyue found that she couldn't bear it!

Yan Ji didn't feel anything strange, she just approached the crystal bed slowly, with a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth, and gently stroked her face with her fingers: "Tsk tsk, what a beauty, you said that if I have you If you are so shameless, will Xiao Luan also like me?"

have to say!

The sleeping beauty in front of her eyes is extremely beautiful!
People can't help but feel excited!

It also made people want to protect her and own her!

However, it is what makes women feel uncontrollable jealousy!

"It's a pity, it's a pity, but the lord won't let me touch you!" Yan Ji's eyes were dyed with a deep sense of unwillingness: "Hmph, but it's okay, when the matter is over, won't you still be mine? ?”

Such a beauty!
How could she give up!
"Blood nourishes, I don't know who you are, but you want to let the Lord nourish you with blood!"

Raised the little Gu in his hand, with deep anger in his heart!

This woman!
This is nothing but a dying woman!

How could the Lord place such high value on him!

With deep reconciliation in my heart!

But she didn't make any movements, she could only slowly open the small Gu, and suddenly the blood seemed to have wings, and flew towards the crystal bed... slowly seeping into the crystal bed~
"Crimson Moon, take a closer look!"

Look at Yun Feiyue's bloodthirsty eyes!
Look at the obvious anger in her heart!

This made Ah Bai and his party anxious!

I only heard Ah Guang anxiously say: "Fei Yue, don't be impulsive, if you rush out, it is very likely that your mother will be sprinted, maybe..."

"Ah Guang, what the hell is this?"

"Fei Yue, if I remember correctly, this should be one of the ancient secret books, one of the spiritual techniques!"



"Yes, the dead person must be soaked in special blood until the blood is completely absorbed into her body, so that her face will return to its original state, that is to say, it will be like a living person, and then the spirit summoning will be performed!"
Thank you for the rewards of the two relatives who regard you as life and death, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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