Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1108 Chapter 1130: Secret?what exactly is it!

Chapter 1108 Chapter 1130: Secret?what exactly is it!
"Why? They have already killed my mother, but why do they still use spiritism to summon my mother!"

His eyes were filled with excitement!
Tears began to slide down the face!

But at this moment, Yun Feiyue didn't dare to take any action, for fear that she would inadvertently harm her mother: "What are they going to do!"

The tone is a little broken!

The whole person began to feel a little unbearable!

"Don't worry, this is not your mother's real body!" At this moment, Ah Guang said softly: "According to what you said, your mother should be alive, so this spirit summoning technique won't work at all!"



Hearing this, Yun Feiyue was stunned for a moment!

Puzzled, he widened his eyes and looked at Ah Guang in front of him, only to see Ah Guang slowly said: "If your mother is still alive, then this is probably not your mother's body, but a substitute!"

Immediately, Yun Feiyue fell into deep thought again!
What the hell... what does this mean?
According to what Ah Guang said, mother's body is fake?

So, who is able to create such a realistic prosthesis and fool the people of Blackwater City?

"Fei Yue, you must hold yourself steady at this time, not to mention, haven't you seen your mother's thoughts? Your mother's identity is not an ordinary person, and people from the Xuanming Continent cannot be understood by the Longxuan Continent!"

"So, this person is not my mother?"

"You can't say that, I can feel your mother's breath from this corpse, at least your mother has something to stay on it!"

Shaking his head, Ah Guang said slowly: "If we want to know what's going on, then we have to control this beautiful girl and find a way to invade the interior of the city of Blackwater!"

Control Yan Ji!

Infiltrate the interior of the city of black water?
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue felt faintly excited in her heart!

Although she already felt that the person in front of her might not be her mother, but after all, she was holding her mother's face and breath, which made her feel a little uncomfortable in her heart!
Frowning slightly: "Okay, let's look at the situation first, we are not allowed to do anything here!"

See the situation in front of you clearly!

After all, Yun Feiyue's heart was a little calmer, and the corners of her mouth were slightly pursed: "It is estimated that this place is also full of traps. Why is it that the city of Blackwater cares so much about mother's secrets?"

I don't know why!
Yun Feiyue always felt that things seemed to be more difficult!

She could see the jealousy of Yan Ji in front of her!

However, Yan Ji didn't dare to play tricks, what's more, Yan Ji seemed unable to touch her mother's body!

Come to think of it, the agencies here are no joke!
"It's good if you can stabilize your mind!" Nodding his head, Ah Guang also relaxed a bit, he was worried that Yun Feiyue would get agitated and get into trouble later, which would increase the trouble of things!

"it is good!"

Nodding her head, knowing the existence of this place, Yun Feiyue's mind became active a lot!

"Crimson Moon!"

I have to say that Xiaoluan's work efficiency is extremely good!

Isn't it the time to leave? Xiaoluan almost filled up her and Yun Feiyue's small baskets. Weed is right!

Anyway, Yun Feiyue gave Yan Ji... oh, no, it should be called Liu Xue for the time being!

Liu Xue's impression is that there is no distinction between good and bad!

(End of this chapter)

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