Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1112 Chapter 1134: You cannot repay her life!

Chapter 1112 Chapter 1134: You cannot repay her life!

Seeing the huge stone rolling towards her feet, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but cursed in a low voice, and tried her best to avoid it!
However, before she had time to stand still, she saw Liu Xue hugging the tree trunk with both hands, her face was full of panic, her feet started to slip, and she kicked randomly, suddenly a lot of sand and stones flowed towards Yun Feiyue rolled over...

"Ah, Yue Yun, be careful~"

"No, I can't stand still, woo woo, get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"Xiao Luan, help, help~"

Soon, Liu Xue began to scream loudly, the terrifying screams pierced the eardrums of people, Yun Feiyue was upset, staggered, her arms subconsciously wanted to grab something~
But just grabbing the air with both hands...

"Ah~" screamed!
The whole person fell to the ground with a 'bang'...

"Crimson Moon!"

Immediately, I saw Xiaoluan's blue figure rushing towards him, his voice full of worry...

"Little Luan!"

Seeing Yun Feiyue's figure rolling down, Liu Xue felt joy in her heart, but she didn't expect that Xiao Luan would really come at this time, she subconsciously opened her arms, and threw herself into Xiao Luan's arms, feeling very happy. Embarrassed!

Tears hung on his face: "Xiao Luan, it's bad, it's bad, Yue Yun fell down the valley!"

His eyes were filled with worry!
Holding Xiaoluan's skirt tightly with her fingers, she seemed very flustered... However, her smug touch still made Xiaoluan's heart shudder!

Feel Xiaoluan's obvious killing intent!
I saw that Liu Xue's heart was also shocked... for a while: "I didn't mean it...I, Xiaoluan, you have to believe me, I'm going to give her a hand, but... But she, she doesn't Happy to hold me!"

There is deep fear in the tone!
Also with a deep apology: "I know, I shouldn't let go so easily, you...are you angry, I...I..."


Listening to her apology without sincerity, Xiaoluan's eyes only had such deep disdain!
The corners of her mouth curled up slightly: "Remember, if there is anything wrong with her, your... life is not enough to pay for it!"

reach out!
Severely push her aside!
Take a deep breath!

If it wasn't for this time, she would still be useful!
Xiaoluan can't wait to strangle her to death!

Hatred spread in her heart!

The indifference in the eyes became more and more obvious!


Turning around, he glanced at Liu Xue, revealing a deep sense of sarcasm, and saw Xiao Luan spread his arms quickly, and rushed down... Seeing his figure disappear in front of his eyes, Liu Xue The whole person is stunned~
A stagger!
Immediately paralyzed on the ground~
Xiaoluan's cold eyes just now made people frightened from the bottom of their hearts!
It also made her feel a tremor that didn't come!
"No, I'm right, I'm right!"

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xue came back to her senses again, clenched her fists tightly, gritted her teeth slightly, and sneered at the corner of her mouth: "Yue Yun? Hmph, I don't care who you are, stand in my way." The way to go, must die!"

"Xiao Luan! He can only be my Yanji's man!"

"Crimson Moon? Scarlet Moon! Where are you!"

"Fei Yue, you heard my voice, please answer!"

"Don't scare me, I know you're still alive!"

Xiaoluan rushed to the bottom of the valley vigorously, but he searched everywhere but couldn't find Yun Feiyue's whereabouts, this made him faintly worried...
ten more complete
(End of this chapter)

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