Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1113 Chapter 1135: Damn, what kind of physique is this?

Chapter 1113 Chapter 1135: Damn, what kind of physique is this?
"Fei Yue, if you hear it, just say it. Is it really okay to scare me like this?"


Form a circle and put it near your mouth!
Opened his throat, and shouted loudly, sweat was dripping from his entire forehead, and his heart was completely flustered at this moment!

Although he has already made a contract with Yun Feiyue, he can obviously feel that Yun Feiyue's life is not worried, but... who knows what danger she encountered?So what happened!
The more you think about it!
The bottom of his heart became more and more worried!
His eyes were full of panic, and he began to search carefully in this valley~
"Crimson Moon ~ Scarlet Moon!"

"Crimson Moon..."

The calls echoed in the valley, but only the endless echoes responded to him, which made Xiaoluan feel flustered and didn't know how to describe it...

"This is terrible!"

at the same time!

Chu Nan is in a bad mood!
He already knew that Yun Feiyue fell down the valley at this time, and he couldn't find the shit, he would rather be punished like Chu Tian!
With a dark face, she walked slowly to Jun Qianhuang's room!
Just looking at Jun Qianhuang's handsome face was full of coldness, and suddenly there was deep worry in his heart... After a while, he said slowly: "The king...something happened to the princess!"


Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang suddenly raised her head!

His eyes were tinged with anger: "Why, did she disappear again?" With both hands, he gently rubbed his temples!

Jun Qianhuang discovered that Yun Feiyue was a missing body!

Always disappear inexplicably, and then step on the hidden map inexplicably!

What the hell is this?


Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Chu Nan also felt deep fear in his heart: "The subordinate followed the princess all the way, but after the princess fell to the bottom of the valley in Changshan, no matter how much the subordinates searched, there was no news!"

God damn it!
According to this, the disappearance of kings and concubines seems to be a regular occurrence!

"Go and receive the punishment yourself!"

After waving her hand, Jun Qianhuang felt a little impetuous in her heart!

It's just that he feels Yun Feiyue's safety in his heart, and he is faintly relieved, but it is not in front of his eyes, this worry is also very obvious!

"Yes! This subordinate understands!"

Hearing this, Chu Nan breathed a sigh of relief!

Leaving the study quickly... God knows, staying here is actually more terrifying than being punished!

The moment Chu Nan left the room!

Jun Qianhuang's eyes were stained with thick bloodshot: "I hope Xiaoyue'er is okay, otherwise I don't mind piercing this world!" Fingers clenched tightly into fists, showing a strong hatred Emerged in his heart!
At first, I thought it would be fine to put her under my nose, but now it seems that I still overestimated the possibility of Yun Feiyue's disappearance!
Sitting down decadently, my heart couldn't be calm at this moment!
The light rain has been falling all day, Yun Feiyue just feels groggy all day long!
My mind is aching!
Stretching out his hand to gently rub his temples, he struggled to sit up, slowly opened his eyes, and saw a strange room, the incense burner was lit with spices, and the faint fragrance made people feel better a bit!
The melodious Guqin sound was slowly transmitted through the window... Yun Feiyue couldn't help but turned around and looked outside...

(End of this chapter)

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