Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 500 Chapter 509: Are you sure you're not courting death?

Chapter 500 Chapter 509: Are you sure you're not courting death?


The two sat side by side on the tree branch, Jun Qianhuang leaned her head on her shoulder, her smile became more and more intense!

The tone of her voice also became softer, and seeing Yun Feiyue's slightly uneasy heart, she gently held her little hand and said slowly: "Don't you think your worries are superfluous?"


"Fool, grandpa must be assured of my king's character!"

"Pfft...you still have character?" Rolling her eyes, Yun Feiyue said very dissatisfied: "I kissed, hugged, touched, and almost got nothing... you Tell me about your character!"


Is this really ancient?

Isn't he someone who time-traveled like himself?

"Good boy, isn't this king just enduring the last step, or my Xiaoyue'er doesn't know that this king is still a normal man, what should I do?" After blinking, Jun Qianhuang said seriously: "What if Xiaoyue'er thinks that I am still a normal man?" This king is not good at this...how about~"

Suddenly, Jun Qianhuang showed an evil smile~
She began to look up and down at Yun Feiyue, which made Yun Feiyue's face red again, with a little shyness, and a little annoyance: "Why don't we try!" Tsundere challenge raised an eyebrow!
Damn stupid man!

You can't hate her for the nosebleed later!

There was a faint smile on the corner of Yun Feiyue's evil mouth, and a strong provocation in her eyes... Seeing this, Jun Qianhuang instantly felt a sense of uneasiness, and couldn't help but her body began to heat up ...

"Little fairy, just wait and see!"

Don't start, but he thought of this little woman's occasional bold performance in his mind, and in an instant, he felt a little uncomfortable... He simply raised his head and looked at the sky: "Here, look, there is the girl we want to see. Places to go!"

Finger, slowly pointing to the empty sky!
There is a bit of longing in his eyes, after all, that is where his power is located, and there are many things he is worried about!

However, relatively speaking, it seems that the little woman around him makes him even more reluctant!

Sensing Jun Qianhuang's reluctance and worry, Yun Feiyue's heart trembled slightly, she leaned lightly on his shoulder, and said slowly: "Soon we will be able to go to your power Land, then let me see how majestic you really are, how about it?"

"Well, then I will definitely give you the best!"

"That's what you said!" With a coquettish smile, Yun Feiyue only felt that she was full of happiness.

At the same time, I saw two black figures flashing past a certain corner of the capital, one in front and one behind, a man and a woman, these are the Great Elder and Yun Qinglan!

"Master, we must act quickly, otherwise, after the Holy Master confiscates the Yun family, we won't be able to turn to the monsters. Besides, there may be so many valuable things in the Yun family!" Thinking of the beasts!
Think of unicorns!

There was an indescribable excitement in Yun Qinglan's heart!
Seeing Yun Qinglan's slightly impatient look, the Great Elder coughed lightly: "Although the Yun Family's strength is not very strong, it's not bad at all, so you have to be careful for a while, you just need to secretly kill the master Just kill it!"

"Master, don't worry, those two are just housekeepers!"

She snorted softly, thinking that the two managers could have divine beasts, it was simply something she couldn't tolerate: "The disciple will sneak you into their room secretly after a while, and then..." At this point, the two of them revealed their secrets. heart smile.

(End of this chapter)

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