Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 501 Chapter 510: In order to advance, he is going all out

Chapter 501 Chapter 510: In order to advance, he is going all out

Slowing down, listening to the silence of the earth, Yun Qinglan couldn't help jumping up, thinking that she was bullied by these stupid people during the day, and could kill them at night, her heart was completely excited a bit!

His pupils are shining!

Yunfeiyue, Yunfeiyue!You wait to die!

And this old bastard, who doesn't recognize her as a granddaughter, bah, she has an unlimited future in the future, and he will regret it when the time comes!

"Master, be careful, the courtyard of the Yun family is in front of you!" Turning around a few corners, they soon arrived at the door of the Yun family. Excited and bloodthirsty glow.

It was as if he saw someone from the Yun family trampled under his feet!

That impulse made her heart beat fiercely!

"It seems someone is there?"

At this moment, the tips of Yun Feiyue's ears flickered slightly, she squinted her eyes cautiously, and looked in the direction of the movement!
Sure enough, I saw two black clothes sneaking towards the gate of Yun's house, which made Yun Feiyue's eyes a little annoyed: "This idiot, because he hides his aura, no one will Can you feel it?"

Hold your fist tightly!

If it wasn't because they concealed their aura just now, she didn't pay attention!
"Don't worry, let's see what they want to do?" Jun Qianhuang's eyes were full of sarcasm, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and he put his arm around Yun Feiyue's shoulder, and with a slight rotation, he landed on Yun's house. Above the wall!
Instantly concealed his aura, and looked at the man in black with a teasing expression~
"Her? She still has the nerve to come back?" Frowning, Yun Feiyue had an urge to rush up and kill her in her heart, but she was not a fool, watching them creeping around and sneaking around!

It must be all right!

She raised her eyebrows: "Tsk tsk, Yun Qinglan is actually a sneaky person!"

"Those who have gone to the Holy Light Palace, how can there be any people who are upright?" Jun Qianhuang's mouth also raised an evil arc slightly, and said slowly: "Are we going to arrest them now, or... "

"Look, I want to see what they want to do!"

Yun Feiyue's heart was faintly excited, she likes to give others a fierce attack when they are upset!


Obviously, Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang's hidden aura was very successful. Yun Qinglan and the Great Elder obviously didn't expect that they had been followed by others. Seeing that they easily climbed over the wall, the whole person couldn't help being excited Point: "Follow me, these two have divine beasts, but these two are easy to deal with!"

"Well, it's better to be careful!"

"Hmph, it's just two feathers, is it that master is still worried about them?" He raised his chin proudly, his eyes full of excitement: "Master, you will be able to step into the god rank soon, didn't the mysterious person say that?" , when you find an opportunity, will you pass the divine stage?"

Speaking of which!

Yun Qinglan couldn't help being a little excited in his heart!

"Well, if you can get this beast, then promotion is a must!"

Thinking of this, the Great Elder's face twisted a bit, and the excitement in his heart became more and more intense... Following Yun Qinglan's footsteps, the two of them had already entered the outer room of Yun's house, which was heavily guarded. In Qinglan's eyes, they are nothing but ants!

(End of this chapter)

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