Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 595 Chapter 606: What should I do?

Chapter 595 Chapter 606: What should I do?
She vaguely remembered that when she followed Jun Qianhuang to the ruins of the ancient miracles, she didn't realize that it was the miasma that was a mass of red miasma!

Thinking about it now, I always feel that I have earned my life!
If it weren't for Jun Qianhuang's strength, I'm afraid that he wouldn't be able to get in there!

Now, without Jun Qianhuang around, what she needs to do is to protect herself and her teammates in front of her by the way!

"Crimson Moon, you have to be careful of yourself!"

"Mother, let me go with you!"

Soon, Xiao Jiu hopped and landed on Yun Feiyue's shoulder: "That bit of miasma doesn't work for me, if something happens, I can help!" Blinking her lovely eyes, With a lot of worry!
Look at Xiao Jiu's appearance!
Look at the concern of the crowd in the ranks!

Yun Feiyue's heart was full of emotion, and she smiled slightly: "It's okay, let Xiao Jiu accompany me, if I just go, you will follow, do you understand?"

"Yes, Captain!"

"Captain, be careful!"

With a sound of exhortations and a word of worry, Yun Feiyue endured the mist in her eyes, yes, it turns out that she still has someone who really cares about her!
"Xiao Jiu, you have to be careful with me in a while!"

Although because of Xiaojiu's living environment, these miasmas had no effect on her at all, but Yun Feiyue was somewhat worried in her heart, and stuffed Wandudan into her little mouth, and then patted her. Above her head: "Let's go!"

"Okay, mother!"

Xiao Jiu erected her own tail!

His eyes were full of guard, if something happened to his mother, his father would definitely kill him!
With every movement of Yun Feiyue, she slowly submerged into the purple miasma. When she saw it, she could hardly see the road ahead. Nucleus, this makes the road ahead a little brighter~
dense fog!

Cover up the road under your feet!

Every step Yun Feiyue took was quite difficult!
Fortunately, the Ten Thousand Poison Pill is really effective, at least there is nothing wrong with breathing along the way!

The milky white halo wrapped the bodies of Yun Feiyue and Xiao Jiu in it, and it got rid of a lot of the surrounding purple miasma. She walked forward slowly until she was sure that the ten thousand poison elixir had an effect. He waved to the crowd!
"You can go there, let's go!"

Mu Ran was the first to see the move, he started to move forward slowly, She Jingyi walked in the center, and finally Qiu Zeyang broke the way, these things are nourishing and nourishing for Qiu Zeyang!
Well, at least Qiu Zeyang's eyes are full of excitement at this moment!
It felt like the frozen blood seemed to have started to boil. If it wasn't for his heartbeat, he probably would have jumped out of his throat!

Relative to his excitement!

The others seemed to be a lot more cautious!
"Feiyue, tell me... if I put away this cloud of miasma, okay?" Although the tone of the voice was gentle, everyone could feel the excitement in his heart, and even Yun Feiyue was stunned: "You? Want this miasma?"

"Yeah, the colder the cold air, the more poisonous the gas, they are all good things to me!"

Clenching his fists tightly, he rounded his eyes, and his voice seemed to speed up a little: "I think... I want to occupy a place in the space and make it into my world, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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