Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 596 Chapter 607: Is Jiang Zi occupying the mountain as king?

Chapter 596 Chapter 607: Is Jiang Zi occupying the mountain as king?
"Gah? Brother Zeyang wants to take over the mountain and become king?"

Hearing this, Xiao Jiu's cute eyes were full of excitement: "Ah, mother, this is a good idea. Now your bracelet has quite a lot of space. If you can divide the power, I will occupy it." The second peak, the first peak belongs to Brother Xiaoxie!"


She knew that mother's bracelet might be in a class of its own!
At that time, it will be too late to go to Geshantou!

"Okay, after we leave here, let's divide it up!" Nodding, Yun Feiyue's heart became excited. When the time comes, they will divide the mountain and catch a few monsters to raise themselves. Tsk tsk, like this Isn't it another world?
Say so!
Maybe I will take the legion away in the future!

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue felt her blood boil!
But... It seems that my ability is not enough, and the space is not very strong~
"Then Feiyue promised me to put these things away?" Hearing this, Qiu Zeyang was the happiest!

"Of course!" She turned black, how could she forget the old poison Qiu Zeyang?With his existence, these things are nothing!Well, she won't admit what she thinks right now!
"From now on, all of you will be the same. When you look at the things you like, move them away for me, so that our world will be the real world!"

Yun Feiyue blinked, looked at the few partners in front of her, and said nervously: "Turn around, you go to enclose the land yourself, hoping to develop the bracelet world, well, Xiaotian can come out like this!" Can't help it , she thought of Xiaotian's cute baby bellyband!

Listen to the words of Yun Feiyue and her monster!
Everyone was stunned. They couldn't understand this... tail hair?
What bracelet world?
What is occupying the mountain as king?
What enclosure?
What is this all about?
Seeing Mu Ran's dull faces, Yun Feiyue smiled lightly, and said slowly: "It's nothing, I'll tell you guys after I get out of this place!" With a faint smile, The whole group was quite excited!

I saw Qiu Zeyang a little bit shy!

Then he opened his mouth violently, revealing those cold and terrifying fangs...


Mu Ran and his group were stunned again, this... This Qiu Zeyang is actually a zombie, no wonder... Before they could react, they saw Qiu Zeyang's big bloody mouth, which seemed to be a bit bigger than his head, and his whole body Exudes a black breath...

With a breath of 'his~', he collected all those purple miasmas in his mouth!

"Ah! Eaten? Or swallowed?"

"What the hell is this?"

"Qiu Zeyang, where did you put the gas?"

"Hmm, me?" Blinking his eyes: "Of course it is stored in my body, and I will release it when I find a good place!" Soon, he seemed to be excited like a treasure!

"Who, who dares to break into this seat!"

At this moment, the mountain shook, and the voice in the ear was clearly angry: "Small human beings, don't you know that this seat is not for you to come to? Damn it, this seat will punish you !" As his voice fell...

Suddenly the whole ground trembled violently!
"Ah, be careful!"

Yun Feiyue, who was standing at the forefront, felt a powerful aura hitting towards her fiercely, which made Yun Feiyue's eyes shrink suddenly, and immediately propped up the spiritual energy in her body, severely blocking the attack. A terrible force!

"Damn it, we have to find the main body quickly, otherwise we have nowhere to fight back!"

(End of this chapter)

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