Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 605 Chapter 616: Her unwillingness

Chapter 605 Chapter 616: Her unwillingness


Seeing Yun Feiyue recovered, Xiao Jiu plunged into her arms and hid in her arms, but the ice god who had turned mad in front of her made her feel a little scared in her heart: "This lunatic, what do you want to do?" ?” With his tail upright, his eyes widened, he stared at the Ice God bitterly!

"Xiao Jiu, you all go in!"

"Ah? Mother!"

"Hey, it would be nice to have your dad here!"

"Xiao Jiu?" Jun Qianhuang gave Xiao Jiu a slight look, which made Xiao Jiu's body tremble, and she hid in the Jiuquhuntian bracelet unwillingly. Naturally, Qiu Zeyang and the others also entered the Jiuquhun Among the sky bracelets!
"Xiaoyue'er, we have to fight quickly, otherwise these ice sculptures will never be revived!"

Looking at those ice sculptures, Jun Qianhuang was also deeply worried. These people almost made her own baby fall into the devil's way. No matter what happened, he was a little nervous: "Hmph, it's all useless!"


Look up!
Ice God fell into a complete wildness, and that piercing laughter made people tremble from the bottom of their hearts!
The long nails were like sharp daggers, and she suddenly said with red eyes, "Okay, if you abandon me, then I will drag you to hell together, and the three of us will never be separated, okay? How are you?"

Who wants to be with you forever?
Yun Feiyue glared at her, and her whole body fell into a kind of alert~
"Go to hell!" The spiritual energy exploded, and he raised his finger, and that overwhelming momentum swept over...

"Ah, what a powerful aura!
Yun Feiyue's face paled instantly, and she quickly supported the thick barrier. At this moment, Jun Qianhuang slowly let go of Yun Feiyue's waist with her fingers, and put her body on the After walking behind him, I saw that his whole body was filled with a kind of red aura wrapped around him...

red!Represents pure and strong!
So how strong is this man?
"I want to die, I will give you a ride!" There was only this deep coldness in the eyes, without any extra emotion, as the words fell, I saw Jun Qianhuang's palm raised and turned slightly, "Holy light Tricks" A wave of coercion came over violently.

Yun Feiyue, who was hiding behind him, couldn't feel it at all.

"Damn it." Bingshen said badly, this man turned out to be a red aura, but judging by his appearance, he shouldn't be able to control this power very much, right?

However, Bingshen was totally wrong to think this way, because Jun Qianhuang just looked down on her!
It's just a god who has been sealed for tens of thousands of years. He has already lost his original ability, so why should he care about it in his heart?
"Huang, you are so strong that you don't tell me what level you are!" Unable to bear it, Yun Feiyue's heart trembled slightly, and seeing him turn his hand, Ice God's body seemed to be disconnected. The kite fell fiercely to the ground!

There was a loud bang!
The huge figure hit the ice wall, causing the entire palace to tremble violently!

The ice cubes then fell down...

"It's okay to know when you're strong enough!" There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and he sighed leisurely: "Good boy, you'll understand one day!"

Well, in fact, it should be said that she doesn't understand even now, so it's better to leave some space for her to discover!
"Ahem!" Bingshen held her chest and stood up slowly, blood was dripping from the corner of her mouth, staining her chest red, and her eyes were full of disbelief: "Impossible, impossible, you have already regained your consciousness!" Reincarnated, why is it still so powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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