Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 606 Chapter 617: Bad woman, get out of here

Chapter 606 Chapter 617: Bad woman, get out of here


Reincarnated as a human?

Yun Feiyue couldn't help frowning when she heard Ice God's words, looked at Jun Qianhuang, and then at the Ice God in front of her: "It's better than you, an old fairy who has been sealed for countless years. !" His cheeks were puffed up, and his eyes were stained with anger!

"Humph, stupid woman!"

Seeing Yun Feiyue protecting Jun Qianhuang, Ice God's anger flared up again, his eyes radiated a cold light, his fingers were tightly clenched into fists, and he said through gritted teeth: "Do you think men are trustworthy? "

"Hahaha, how did I seal it ten thousand years ago? It was thanks to that man!" As he spoke, he pointed at Jun Qianhuang: "Hahaha, if he hadn't tricked me into this place, what do you think? Will I be sealed?" There was a strong resentment in the words.

"I don't care, anyway, you just need to know that I will never be separated from him." Yun Feiyue looked at the Bingshen indifferently in front of her: "Do you think this will convince me?"

"Hmph, sooner or later you will find out that he has been lying to you. At that time, will you still believe in the so-called false love?"

"There will be no such thing, I believe him."

Yun Feiyue's firm eyes!
Jun Qianhuang's gentle gaze intertwined and completely irritated Ice God's mind: "Hahaha, wasn't that stupid woman ten thousand years ago also the same as you? In the end, hahaha, it was still the same. I killed!"

For some reason, when Yun Feiyue heard this, resentment rose in her heart, and her eyes became more and more bloodthirsty!

"You also said that was ten thousand years ago, didn't you?"

Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang's icy eyes were filled with murderous intent, and her thin lips parted slightly: "Do you think that this deity will let him happen to the incident ten thousand years ago? This deity is not the God of Darkness!"

Fingers, hold Yun Feiyue's little hand tightly!

My heart is full of emotion!
Yun Feiyue held his slender fingers instead, with deep warmth in her eyes: "Thousands of years ago, you forcibly joined forces, harming your own sister, the God of Darkness, and even yourself. What do you mean? Your love is just your own wishful thinking, don't make trouble for no reason!"

"Make trouble for no reason, make trouble for no reason?"

Hearing this, Bingshen suddenly seemed to be discouraged, clutching his chest with a 'poof' sound, a mouthful of blood spewed out, his eyes were full of desolation, and there was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth: " It turns out that my dedication is just a joke? Is it just making trouble for no reason?"

Slightly raising her eyes, she looked at Jun Qianhuang, as if she was waiting for his answer!

But, what is waiting is Jun Qianhuang's indifferent eyes!
Such eyes once again tore her broken heart fiercely, and she staggered, her eyes filled with tears: "You were so cold ten thousand years ago, and you are still so cold ten thousand years later!"

"Ten thousand years ago?"

Jun Qianhuang finally couldn't bear the weird atmosphere, and said indifferently: "I don't know where I was ten thousand years ago, and I don't bother to know what happened ten thousand years ago!"

"No, you know, you have always known, you are the Dark Lord thousands of years ago!"

"Just kidding! The King of Darkness is from the Darkness Department, and my father is from the Light Department!" Xiao Jiu pouted her mouth, raised her tail, and stood in front of Jun Qianhuang very unwillingly. Daddy can only be hers. ...No, it's my mother's!

Well, these bad women, get the hell out of here!
(End of this chapter)

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