Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 608 Chapter 619: Ice God's Prayer

Chapter 608 Chapter 619: Ice God's Prayer

Yun Feiyue walked towards the ice god slowly, with an indescribable emotion in her eyes!
It seems that they used to have a very close relationship!
"I'm coming!" Standing in front of the ice god, he said slowly, word by word.

At this moment, Bingshen sat down on the ground, and slowly raised his eyes, looking at Yun Feiyue in front of him: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" There was a strange light in his eyes, and he suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Touching Yun Feiyue's wrist, she said coldly: "Tsk tsk, you are too confident. If I want to kill you, it will be very easy!"

The moment when she held her with her icy fingers!

An inexplicable emotion suddenly plunged into her heart, but no trace could be found, which made Yun Feiyue couldn't help becoming a little impetuous!

"Kill me, maybe it's very simple, but you are destined not to kill me!" Slightly raising her eyebrows, with a faint smile, she saw a trace of complicated light in her eyes, but she had no killing intent alone. , which made Yun Feiyue's heart curious: "However, I'm really curious, why?"

"Hehe, why?"

Slowly closing his eyes, the tears slowly fell drop by drop...

Looking at the situation in front of them, Jun Qianhuang and his party were full of defense, and their hearts were raised, and the worry was clearly hanging on their faces!

"Tsk tsk, so what if you don't worry? She sent it here willingly!" Ice God was slightly disappointed, slightly sad, but also gave up... Yes, from now on, she will give up Those feelings that shouldn't have been there ten thousand years ago!

Youyou sighed: "I give up, those things that don't belong to me!"

The tone just fell!
Bingshen only felt that she seemed to feel a lot more comfortable. It turned out that her stubbornness had hurt herself and the person who loved her the most. It turned out that giving up was not difficult. It turned out that giving up was not as heartbreaking as I imagined. !
On the contrary, there is an indescribable ease!
"Thank you!" Slowly raising her eyes, she showed a poignant smile towards Yun Feiyue!

Just when Yun Feiyue was about to say something, she suddenly felt a pain in her wrist, and a sudden red halo slowly rose from her wrist and her palm, which made Yun Feiyue's heart tremble. Then trembled!
"you you……"

"Don't move, these should be yours!"

Smiling softly, watching the aura in her body disappear little by little, but she felt a sense of relaxation: "Sister, forgive me, if I... have an afterlife and want to be your sister, okay?" ?” One word, one tone, said slowly!
There was a trace of pleading in the eyes: "Sister, you used to love me so much, but it's a pity that I did such a thing, but I don't regret it, after all, I loved you deeply!"


After all, I have loved, and loved deeply!
The only regret is that I went in the wrong direction and got my heart mixed up!
Closing her eyes, she seemed to see her elder sister holding her hand carefully, for fear that she would get hurt!

It seems to see the young sister who used to be stronger in order to protect herself!
It's like seeing a sister who is so strong that she is speechless. She clearly knows that it is a Hongmen banquet, but she comes here desperately just to save her. Unfortunately...she doesn't know how to look back and give up time after time, and finally reaches this step. ?

"Sister, I miss you so much, really!"

Tears fell again... For thousands of years, she thought that the man she thought of the most was the man, but... in fact, the woman she thought she hated the most was the woman she thought the most!Her own sister!

(End of this chapter)

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