Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 609 Chapter 620: Fall of the Ice God

Chapter 609 Chapter 620: Fall of the Ice God
"Bing'er, I don't blame you, I never blame you!"

Yun Feiyue slowly stretched out her hand, and gently touched her already white hair, the pain in her heart was indescribable!

Thousands of years ago, I don't know who she was!
It's just... Now she clearly feels her reluctance and distress: "Bing'er, good boy, we will still be sisters in the next life!" Tears slowly fell down her eye sockets, dripping on Bingshen's pale skin that was almost almost pale. On a transparent face...

"elder sister!"

As if feeling her temperature, I saw that the aura of Bingshen's whole body had gradually disappeared, and the red halo slowly disappeared: "Sister, I'm leaving, you have to take good care of yourself!" Her voice was very Misty!

But her heart did not come to relax!
That's fine, she can leave without any grievances~

"Sister, Binger is gone, Binger is very happy!"

Smiling softly, she let Yun Feiyue hold her body tightly, she always had a sweet smile on her face, and slowly...slowly...the figure began to disappear, which immediately made Yun Feiyue's There is an indescribable pain in my heart!
She turned around sharply and looked at Jun Qianhuang!

"Huang, please, save her, please, please!"

"Bing'er, please don't leave, okay!"

Tears slid down like broken beads, seeing this, why didn't Jun Qianhuang's heart ache?

But, the ice god in front of him is not something he can save~
"Sister, don't... don't be sad!" She slowly raised her hand as if to wipe away the tears from the corners of Yun Feiyue's eyes, but in the end it fell down feebly. Feeling the movement of Bingshen, Yun Feiyue held her tightly. She put her hand on her face, and only heard her say slowly: "Sister, you should be happy for me, I can finally see you in ten thousand years!"

The smile is so sweet!

The voice is so gentle: "Sister, now that you can turn around and be strong, I feel relieved, so you should be happy for me. Now I have no hatred, no fear and worry!"

"Okay, okay, be good, Bing'er, I...I..."

"Sister, don't embarrass her, I should have disappeared ten thousand years ago!" Shaking his head, Bingshen's eyes were full of sweet excitement: "Sister, can you smile, don't let me look at you so sad leaving..."


Yun Feiyue nodded with difficulty, why didn't she know that the Ice God was no longer something they could save?

The corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a smile uglier than crying: "Look, I smiled, I smiled..." With that smile, the figure of the Ice God completely disappeared into the world, together with his soul. never left...

The entire palace began to collapse...

Yun Feiyue didn't even have time to be sad!

The huge ice cube 'rumbling' sounded, and the whole palace began to shake, making it impossible for everyone to stand~
"Quick, go!" Seeing this, Jun Qianhuang's eyes were stained with deep worry, and she pulled Yun Feiyue to rush outside; "This place is about to collapse!"

"No, take them!"

With a wave of Yun Feiyue's small hand, she instantly brought the group of Mu Ran, who had become ice sculptures, into her own space, and then rushed towards the outside at the speed of Jun Qianhuang... "Long Yan hasn't come out yet?" With a soft shout from him, Long Yan immediately turned into his real body, shaking his head and tail: "Your Majesty, Consort Wang, come up quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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