Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 630 Chapter 641: Contract Qingluan

Chapter 630 Chapter 641: Contract Qingluan
"I really don't have much time!" Stretching out her hand, rubbing her temples, holding back her patience, Yun Feiyue said lightly: "If you want to make a contract, if you don't want to, can you tell me about the Feng Clan? address, so I can return the item!"

Ah, Nima!

The people who do it insist on going to your Phoenix clan!
Seeing Qingluan's hesitant look, Yun Feiyue felt her heart was bleeding: "Forget it, I won't wait for you, at worst I'll go find it myself!" No, time is running out, Lijuan seems to be more important !

"Hey, human, you really want to leave!"

That ruthless figure of Yun Feiyue was about to disappear in front of Qingluan's eyes like this, which immediately made Qingluan worried in his heart, frowning, he couldn't help but say: "Who are you looking for?"

"I said it, my partner, Teng Snake!"

Teng... Teng Snake!
Hearing this, the corners of Qingluan's mouth twitched violently again: "You...Teng Snake will also make a contract with you?" Just kidding, the Teng Snake clan is also an ancient lineage, is there any blood left behind?But think about it, didn't the legendary Phoenix clan also disappear?
In fact... it's not the same as hiding it!

Looking carefully at Yun Feiyue in front of him, he began to distinguish carefully...

"Hey, you are really annoying!"

At this time, I saw Xiao Jiu stood up very unwillingly, his small body rolled on Yun Feiyue's body, and then fell to the ground, and instantly swelled: "Isn't it just a contract, the deity is all contracted!" , what are you!"

Although he is a bit worse than Chi Xie, he is also an ancient holy beast. He is not a little bit better than that divine beast, okay?

Feeling the powerful aura from Xiaojiu, Qingluan suddenly felt bad. Don't accept that he is just Qingluan not a phoenix at this moment, even if he is a phoenix... Nima, he can't compare to other ancient holy beasts Suddenly, he felt his heart was hit hard!

The whole person feels wronged a lot~

But he was reconciled a lot. Such a powerful holy beast has already contracted, so what objection does he have?

"Okay, I agree to make a contract with you, but... you want to take me to the Phoenix Clan!" With tears of reluctance, he said seriously: "And... I... I am also your partner!" Good Well, if he remembers correctly, Yun Feiyue kept talking about her partner just now!
"Naturally a partner!"

Seeing Qingluan like this, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but also feel a headache, isn't it just another baby?
Ah, Nima!

Her place is going to be a milk baby shelter!
"Don't resist, just close your eyes and follow your mind!"


Qingluan stood quietly on the ground, allowing Yun Feiyue to bite her finger, dripping that drop of blood on his forehead, and suddenly a strange light flashed... I saw that she quickly contracted Qingluan ...just the moment when the contract was made...

Yun Feiyue clearly felt that the aura in her body was getting stronger and stronger, as if it was about to break through at any moment!

It's a pity... but he couldn't advance to the next level!
Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue only felt that her whole body was uncomfortable, and it seemed that leaving this Xuanming Continent was inevitable!

At this moment, Qingluan shouted excitedly: "Oh my god, my god, I... I'm going to be promoted!" Suddenly, he felt the powerful aura rolling in his body, which made him completely excited up!If he knew that the contract could advance, why would he be so awkward!
(End of this chapter)

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