Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 631 Chapter 642: Hope of the Soaring Snake 1 Clan

Chapter 631 Chapter 642: Hope of the Soaring Snake Clan
"Hurry up and get into the ring!" Xiao Jiu reacted first, and felt her ass on his ass, and Qingluan's figure completely disappeared in front of Yun Feiyue...


At this moment, Yun Feiyue's eyes lit up, just now she was worried that she would not be able to find Lijuan's whereabouts, but now she saw the light of the law of heaven and earth rushing towards the sky, it was the south, it should be Lijuan direction!

"Go, follow!"

Yun Feiyue quickly spread her milky white wings, and quickly rushed up following the light...

It's just that when she rushed up excitedly, she saw that the whole sky was blank, with thick clouds everywhere, and the light had completely disappeared in this place, although she still felt that Lijuan's aura should be in this place , but just can't find anyone!

This made Yun Feiyue feel a little anxious in her heart, but she was no longer worried!

I just sat there and meditated~
"Lijuan, is this the name given to this human being?"

An old voice resounded in the space, and the white-haired old woman had a beautiful and delicate face. If it wasn't for the deep oldness in that voice, and if it wasn't for the silver hair, no one would compare her with old age. connect together!
She said slowly: "Is this human being really worth what you pay for? Don't forget, you are Teng Snake, a descendant of Nuwa!"

Frowning, the old woman leaned on her crutches with a little displeasure in her heart: "Looking at her ability, she has just entered the god level!"

"Grandmother, Feiyue is my best partner, don't worry, she is only 16 years old now, her ability is not bad, if it is not limited by this space, I am afraid she must be more than a god at this moment, You also saw it just now, she actually made a contract with the ancient Phoenix Clan!"

Holding her mother-in-law's arm, Li Juan's eyes were full of determination: "Follow her, and one day I will definitely make my Teng Snake clan reappear!"

Hearing this, the mother-in-law's complexion changed slightly, and she couldn't help but said softly: "Could it be... Could it be her? Could it be this girl in the prophecy?" There was a bit of doubt in her eyes, But seeing Lijuan's serious attitude, her heart softened!
"Mother-in-law, what prophecy? Anyway, you just follow Feiyue with me, mother-in-law!"

After finally finding her relatives, Lijuan was really excited in her heart. Although she only had her mother-in-law, her relationship with her mother-in-law had always been deep!
Soon she fell into her mother-in-law's arms and smiled innocently: "Chen Yue is excellent, just trust me!"

"Okay! Lijuan, mother-in-law believes in you!" Stretching out her hand to rub her hair, the mother-in-law showed a kind smile, but there was a trace of reluctance in her eyes, and then said slowly: "The prophecy said , Lijuan will be the only hope of our Soaring Snake Clan, Lijuan, Lijuan! Do you know that when we selected a few Soaring Snakes, only you are alive, and only you are in line with Lijuan's prophecy. name!"

Kick it!
Lijuan was dumbfounded!
As if understanding Lijuan's doubts, the mother-in-law said softly: "The Teng Snakes who were born in the same year as you were hidden. My mother-in-law's mother-in-law said that someone predicted the disaster of the Teng Snakes a long time ago. Avoid it, but it’s not completely hopeless, it’s the hope of the whole clan that there will be a female Soaring Snake in the year you were born, her name is Lijuan!”

(End of this chapter)

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