Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 632 Chapter 643: Hahaha, still want to be number one?

Chapter 632 Chapter 643: Hahaha, still want to be the first?

Her name is Lijuan!

Hearing this, Lijuan was completely dumbfounded: "I wasn't called Lijuan back then!"

"The prophecy said that it was a girl in her teens who was given the name to marry. In our Teng Snake clan, no one has ever been called Lijuan. We are just waiting for Lijuan to appear!" The excitement, but also with a strong excitement!
Soaring Snake Clan!
Soaring Snake Clan!
They can't destroy Nuwa's bloodline!
"Okay, good boy, now you have completely inherited the blood of Teng Snake, not to mention that you have also advanced, follow Fei Yue well, and from now on... the Teng Snake clan will rely on you!" She said, wiping Dry the tears of reluctance in the corner of my eyes!

Slowly stood up and said: "Let's go, child, time is up!"

Time is up?

Hearing this, Li Juan's heart felt a 'thump', and she was stunned: "Grandma..."

"Hey, let's go, mother-in-law still has a way to go, Lijuan, all of this is your responsibility, good boy, be firm!" As she spoke, she raised her finger, before Lijuan could react, The whole person fell headfirst...

A scream of 'Ah' pierced the sky~

Hearing this voice, Yun Feiyue was shocked and stood up abruptly, her eyes were tinged with excitement, but she saw a familiar figure falling from the sky... The blackness of her car immediately He turned his head: "Xiao Jiu, hurry up!"

"Okay, mother!"

Xiao Jiu quickly reacted, and saw his figure zooming infinitely in the space... Li Juan, who was falling all the way, immediately followed!

Said in a soft and waxy voice: "Wow, Lijuan, what's wrong with you?" Blinking her eyes, she put her in front of Yun Feiyue, and then slightly licked her face with her tongue, and her eyes Also infected with a bit of worry!


Yun Feiyue rushed over, but saw Lijuan's confused face, which made her worried a little bit: "What happened to you?"

At this moment, Lijuan's face was full of confusion, and tears had already flowed down her face... Hearing Yun Feiyue's voice, she couldn't control her emotions anymore, so she burst into tears...

"My God, the time is almost up, and Yun Feiyue hasn't come out yet, so is it really dead?"

"That's right, the grade data hasn't changed. Could it be that she is really dead?"

"Hey, it's such a pity that she is such a beautiful woman. She is so powerful, tsk tsk, but she is too ruthless. She dares to challenge anything. Do you really think you are invincible?"

The crowd became lively!

All the people began to set up routines cautiously, even She Jingyi and the others couldn't help worrying in their hearts, their fingers clenched tightly into fists, their faces turned pale: "Oh my god, why is the captain still not coming out, I have to worry Dead, it's less than half a stick of incense time!"

"Don't worry, the captain will definitely come out at the last time!"

The faces of Xiong Zhi and Xiong Hua brothers were also very ugly, but they still stared stubbornly!

"Hmph, there is still half a stick of incense, you can't even see the corpse!" The people in the fifth group couldn't help gloating, even the corners of Lu Xiangtian's mouth slightly raised, and there was a strong excitement in his heart , as if this victory is in sight!
"Tsk tsk, who knows, maybe, it's time to send her body out, isn't it?"

"Hahaha, in this way, I don't know if this number one is still counted?"

(End of this chapter)

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