Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 633 Chapter 644: Hate, not as deep

Chapter 633 Chapter 644: Hate, not as deep

"Hey, this can't be done. A corpse is a corpse, and a person is a person. Didn't it be agreed that the captain won't count if he's dead! Of course, it can't be number one!"

"Hahaha, you are wrong, you are all wrong, they are still the number one, but they have followed the number one to become number one!"

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter, as if Yun Feiyue in front of them was already dead!

Listen to the ridicule of these people!

She Jingyi's eyes were flushed red, and her eyes were gradually stained with murderous intent: "If you say one more word, I would rather be wiped out, and I will kill you!" One word, a meal!With a strong killing intent!
"Hmph! What can you do as a woman!"

Feeling the strong killing intent from She Jingyi, I couldn't help but twitched slightly in my heart, but that arrogance naturally couldn't make him afraid of a woman, so he couldn't help but let out a disdainful voice: "I don't even look at it. my ability!"

"Oh, ability, right?"

Xiong Zhimeng stepped forward and lifted his skirt: "How about adding our brothers?"

"Hmph, our captain, how could you insult us!?" Xiong Hua also walked up with a face full of anger, with a frightening gleam in his eyes!

"Everyone, don't be impulsive!" Shaking her head numbly: "These people have just had a mouthful, what can they do? Feiyue will definitely come out, let's just wait calmly!" Dust, numbly narrowed his eyes slightly!

He buried that strong killing intent fiercely!
he knows!
This is not the time to engage in force with these people, but none of these people can leave alive.

Looking at the numb look, although the members of the team still had a little worry in their hearts, they were relieved and did not continue to struggle. They sat down one by one slowly, seeing how united the tenth group was. Let everyone can't help but be shocked!
Even the face of the Holy Master on the main seat changed slightly!

There was a faint anger in my heart.

"It seems that Yun Feiyue is quite charismatic. He can actually make the temporary team so united. Qinglian, do you think such a person should stay?" There is a beautiful arc, but the gloomy look is still so obvious!

Squinting her eyes, she looked at Sheng Qinglian who was sitting beside her.

Sheng Qinglian smiled faintly, turned her head to look at the Holy Master, and said with a hint of indifference in her tone, "Such talents will naturally stay in the Holy Light Hall and be used by my Holy Light Hall, shouldn't they?" The tone is drawn out, with a hint of ridicule!
The two looked at each other like this, and neither could tell what the other meant!
The Holy Master simply turned his face away slightly, and stopped looking at Sheng Qinglian. He felt that this man was getting more and more out of control, and this feeling made him very unhappy.

Time passed slowly, seeing that the half stick of incense was about to burn off, the people in the tenth group became more and more anxious, while the fifth group became more and more excited, wishing to know now that Yun Feiyue was completely Disappeared!

Stand in the crowd!
Lu Xiangtian's face was faintly filled with excitement!

But it was also obviously full of worry, worried that this woman he hated would suddenly appear.

At this moment, the crowd also fell silent, they were all waiting for the result, and everyone was silent...

(End of this chapter)

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