Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 643 Chapter 654: Feng Shaoning, save yourself some face

Chapter 643 Chapter 654: Feng Shaoning, save yourself some face

"Feng Shaoning?"

She Jingyi was the first to recognize the young man in front of her. Her eyes were full of astonishment: "You? Why are you here?"


Look at the person who used to be his teammate in front of him!
Look at how excited they are now!
Feng Shaoning's heart was annoyed and regretted, all kinds of emotions took over, and there was a deep pleading in his eyes: "Captain, please let me in too!" The Adam's apple moved slightly, and there was a deep envy in the eyes!
If... If I could bear it back then, maybe now...

Thinking of this, he regretted it in the bottom of his heart!
It's just... this regret seems to have come too late, he has already left the circle of righteousness, and naturally everyone has begun to forget who he used to be!

"Sorry, we already have enough teams!"

Without any hesitation, Yun Feiyue just pushed away Feng Shaoning's body and shook her head lightly: "Let's go!"


Muran's group didn't show any sympathy at all. When he wanted to leave desperately, did he ever think about the harm he would bring to the team?
Seeing the group of people leave like this, Feng Shaoning felt deeply unwilling in his heart: "Captain, take me with you, I will never do this again next time, Captain!"

"Captain! Don't abandon me!"

"She Jingyi, help me, Xiong Zhixiong Hua~~"

However, no matter how he called behind him, the group had already left quickly. At first, he was so desperate to leave his team because of fear!
Today, for that benefit, he wants to return to the team again, and he is so desperate!
Then, who knows what he will betray them for in the future?This is absolutely not allowed in the team...

Standing in the large courtyard, feeling the strong aura, looking up at the towering Shengguang Pavilion on the other side of the island, all the people couldn't help but gasped, their eyes stained with Deeply excited!

It's just that Lu Xiangtian looked at Yun Feiyue with deep jealousy!
If it weren't for this stupid woman, he would be the master who can enter the top floor!

A single thought made him completely lose this opportunity, how could he not hate it in his heart?
"Okay, the most outstanding members of your seat, then your rewards are also in front of you. Those who pass the test will not only stand out in ability, but also stay in the Holy Light Hall as a matter of course. I hope everyone is well! "

The Holy Master smiled, but his eyes fell on Yun Feiyue!

This profound expression made Yun Feiyue's heart tremble slightly, damn it, what the hell does this mean?
Enduring the doubts in her heart, she saw that her gaze was still indifferent, until the Holy Master distributed all the divine essence and spirit stones, and the group of people slowly stepped into the Shengguang Pavilion!

"Ah, the aura of the Holy Light Pavilion is so strong that it makes one's heart tremble. No wonder there are so many masters in the Holy Light Palace!"

"Tsk tsk, if you can practice here for a year, wouldn't you have become a god?"

"Hey, hurry up and seize these seven days!"

"Let's hurry up and go up!" Yun Feiyue looked at the first floor, feeling very comfortable all over her body, and her whole body became refreshed, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth: "It seems that this place is really amazing. Envious!"

Hands talking to themselves slightly propped up their chins!

With a wicked smile...

(End of this chapter)

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