Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 644 Chapter 655: Deep envy

Chapter 644 Chapter 655: Deep envy

"Feiyue~~" Looking at Yun Feiyue's wicked smile, I couldn't help but feel a kind of calculation, my whole body trembled, and I called out softly: "It's time, go up, or we will go up." Stay here!"

"Captain, you are laughing, goose bumps all over my body!"

Unable to bear it, She Jingyi stretched out her hand, hugged her arm, and gently stroked it, "Fuck, what does this mean!"
Xiong Zhi and Xiong Hua also stared at Yun Feiyue who was smiling terribly in front of them with dazed faces... Suddenly, countless pairs of eyes stared at him with bare eyes, which made Yun Feiyue wake up suddenly, feeling bad all over. How much, could it be that he was so obvious?

Coughed awkwardly: "Let's go, let's go to the tenth floor!"

As she spoke, she took a step forward and walked towards the center, only to see a soft ladder in the center that resembled tangled vines. At this moment, many people had already climbed the ladder, Yun Feiyue couldn't help frowning, followed Climb up!


The aura of the second layer is also more intense, and even compared to the hollowness of the first layer, there are more plants and flowers!
It's just that this time Yun Feiyue took a step, and led her team to climb up directly, without continuing to look at the scenery...

Climbed all the way to the fifth floor, only to find that there seemed to be fewer and fewer people.

"Well, the atmosphere on the fifth floor is very strong, and I feel that it's a bit difficult to go up again!"

"is not that right?"

One of them stroked his chest: "Oh my God, the aura is so strong that it's unbearable! Tsk tsk, I'd better stop here, lest I risk my life!"

"Hmph, useless people!"

I saw Lu Xiangtian looked at the panting people around him with displeasure, and his eyes were stained with disdain: "Where is it caused by the strong aura, this space has restrictions, if people who are not capable enough, I definitely can't resist the pressure, but if I can resist the pressure, after climbing up, there are only endless benefits waiting for me!"

I've seen stupid ones!

I've never seen anything so stupid!
Reiki can also have side effects!

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but start to move again, especially the people in the fifth group looked a little excited again. They have the privilege of being on the eighth floor, and now they are so rich when they only reach the fifth floor!

"Go, I'll try again!"

Taking a deep breath, he saw that person climbed up the ladder again, but... he found that every time he lifted a step, his whole body would tremble a little, and there was no possibility of taking a second step. Gritting his gums, he began to use both hands. Seeing that there were only twenty stairs in front of him, he felt as if he had used them all his life!

Yun Feiyue's eyes were stained with displeasure: "Hurry up, there is not enough time!"

"You...you..." Hearing this, the man simply stopped moving: "I want to see how you go up!"

"Then I want to see how long you can hold on?" At the same time, the corners of Yun Feiyue's mouth curled up slightly, with deep disdain, she put her arms around her arms: "Then, keep going!"



Seeing Yun Feiyue simply sitting cross-legged, and when she was about to meditate, that person felt a little uncomfortable all over her body!
You know, on this staircase, let alone cultivating, even sitting... lying down makes it difficult to breathe, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, he gritted his teeth again and slowly climbed up... "Ahhh, sure enough The atmosphere here is stronger!"

Just now, he was so angry that he was dying!

At this moment, it is full of excitement... It is enviable, and it also encourages people invisibly!
(End of this chapter)

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