Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 645 Chapter 656: Holy Light Pavilion

Chapter 645 Chapter 656: Holy Light Pavilion

"Is it such an exaggeration?"

She Jingyi held the ladder with one hand, with a look of bewilderment on her face, just now this person was trembling on it, she thought the tail hair was so simple!

Three steps and two steps, She Jingyi climbed up easily like this!
Seeing that the people in the tenth group were so relaxed, the faces of the people in the fifth group turned dark, but they had to admit that they seemed to be stronger than themselves!Even Lu Xiangtian felt incredible, when did the people in the tenth group become so powerful!
Seeing a group of people climb to the seventh floor!

Yun Feiyue was still blushing and not panting, she seemed very relaxed, but Lu Xiangtian was blushing and heart beating, as if she was about to die when she climbed up, looking at Yun Feiyue's calm look, watching Although the people in the tenth group were also a little out of breath, it didn't seem to be very serious!
I can't help but wonder in my heart!

Yun Feiyue didn't intend to explain away the confusion, and continued to climb up towards the tenth floor...

It's just that when everyone reached the eighth floor, they obviously felt that they could no longer use their strength: "Fei Yue, tell me the truth, are you using your aura to support us to climb up!" Looking at Yun Feiyue in front of her, she clearly felt a kind of external support!

His eyes were filled with gratitude!

"Captain, you are really...really amazing. Not only...one...person climbed up...fufu, but you can also take us with you!" She Jingyi finally climbed up to the eighth floor, feeling as if she was about to collapse , if there is anyone in front of me who is easier!


Well, it seems to be Yunfeiyue~
No, all of a sudden everyone's eyes stopped on Xiong Hua!
Seeing that the little Zhengtai still looked effortless, everyone immediately felt a complete blow!
"Don't look at me like that!"

Sensing everyone's 'caring' sight, Xiong Hua couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "Actually, because I am small, it is more difficult to practice, and in order to follow the speed of my brother, it is more difficult to practice. It's exhausting!"

Thinking of those physical exercises, Xiong Hua suddenly felt that they were not useless!

At least his physical strength is much higher than the average person!

"Well, it seems that Xiong Hua's practice is right. People not only need to increase their ability rapidly, but also their physical strength!" Slightly smiled, but couldn't help but think of Jun Qianhuang, who was in the desert back then. Back then...she couldn't forget her terrifying cultivation!

She almost thought that she would not be able to live!
"If possible in the future, I will take you to a place to practice physical strength! Exercise your reaction ability!"



"Ah, is it really going to be like this?" Hearing this, She Jingyi was the first to soften: "Is it okay not to go? Could it be that you came here too?"

"Me? Hehe, when someone trained me back then, they treated me like a sandbag!" Thinking of these things, the corners of Yun Feiyue's mouth twitched slightly, and she didn't know if his entry into the Leiding Pavilion went smoothly. It's... But, it can't be bad if you think about it, right?
"Crimson Moon, I will persevere!"

When they reached the ninth floor!
Feeling this thick aura made their hearts filled with raging excitement, and their eyes were dyed with a layer of obvious fear: "Ah, we are going to the tenth floor too, but Feiyue, you go first, Let's take our time!" It took more than half a day to climb up to the ninth floor, and they couldn't bear to continue to drag Yun Feiyue down!

Speaking of which, the aura on the tenth floor feels...it doesn't seem to be a strong aura...

(End of this chapter)

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