Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 646 Chapter 657: Aura is really abundant

Chapter 646 Chapter 657: Aura is really abundant
"You all practice here!"

Squinting, looking at the tenth floor!

I just feel that my eyes are red, like a strong smell of blood, like the fire of hell!

It makes people feel scared!
"Ah, there seems to be no spiritual energy on the top!"

"Oh my god, I can clearly feel this scorching breath even on the ninth floor, Feiyue, do you really want to go up?"

"Captain, it seems too dangerous up there!"

Muran and his group couldn't help being a little worried: "How about we give up the tenth floor!" After hesitating for a while, Muran couldn't help looking at Yun Feiyue...but he also knew Yun Feiyue's character.

"Don't talk so much, I must go up to the top floor!" Gritting his gums, he said fiercely: "After I go up, you probably won't be able to come up, because I can't take care of you, but, Xiong Hua, you are You can try it!"

Eyes burning!

Along the way, she has allocated part of her spiritual energy to help them resist difficulties, but she has not helped Xiong Hua at all. It seems that Xiong Hua's physical strength is destined to go further in the future!

"Okay, captain, I won't give up!"

Hearing this, Xiong Hua's eyes showed a trace of firmness!

Looking at the scorching eyes, Yun Feiyue couldn't help being excited in her heart: "Okay, you can practice on the spot, don't be too hasty, maybe you will be able to come up in two days!"

After the voice fell, Yun Feiyue resolutely stepped onto the soft ladder on the tenth floor!

One step, one step, looking at the twenty steps, Yun Feiyue felt a deep pressure, her whole body seemed to start to weaken, the scorching breath sprayed on her body, and a faint bulge began to appear on her forehead. Sweat, even the whole body is soaked~
One step, another step!
The closer you get to the top, the more you feel a kind of weakness in your legs, and you can even clearly feel that your body is on fire and seems to be melting!
Both hands tightly held the handrail of the ladder, bursts of fiery breath came from the handrail, and her hands started to have thick blisters from the chatter. The pain occupied her heart, and she gritted her teeth fiercely, deeply Take a deep breath: "I can do it, I must go up!"

"Huang, I won't miss this step!"

Stretching out her hand, she wiped away the sweat on her forehead with her sleeve. Yun Feiyue's eyes were stained with a thick layer of firmness, and the sweat fell like rain on her body!
Every step she takes, she just feels that the soles of her feet don't belong to her anymore!
It rose slowly from the bottom of her heart, but Yun Feiyue knew in her heart that she had no place to back down!
Slowly... Slowly, trying to lift her footsteps, I don't know how long it took, Yun Feiyue finally took the last step... When she reached the tenth floor, she felt relieved. Tone, just lying on the ground, take a deep breath!
God, this really killed her!

On the soles of the feet, in the palms, the deep pain was still so obvious, she raised her palms up, and she was completely surprised when she saw them, she was just so dumbfounded: "This...what's going on?" Looking at the palms that are still intact...

This made her dumbfounded!
If it wasn't for the scorching pain that was still so obvious, she would have felt that she had remembered it wrong?

"Captain, Captain!"

At this moment, the people below started to shout loudly. Hearing this voice, Yun Feiyue turned over and felt that the spiritual energy in her body was already very full: "I am here, you can practice with peace of mind, bear Hua, try to see if you can come up!"

"Okay, captain!" Hearing this, Xiong Hua climbed up towards the door without saying a word...

(End of this chapter)

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