Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 647 Chapter 658: Well, I ignored it, so innocent

Chapter 647 Chapter 658: Well, I ignored it, so innocent
The moment Xiong Hua climbed up, his entire face was pale, and the corners of his mouth trembled slightly: "Captain, if it weren't for you...you gave me the pill, I would feel that my little life would have to be accounted for here Already!"

There is still a strong shock in the eyes!

This climb, now that he thinks about it, he might not even dare to climb it a second time!
"It's good to come up, it's good to come up!" Patted Xiong Hua on the shoulder: "You go there to practice, it may be more effective for your body!" Soon, Xiong Hua was taken to a pool, and there was a lot of blood in the pool. Full of boiling water!
Looking at the boiling water, Xiong Hua's whole body was dark... However, he never refuted Yun Feiyue's words, nodded, just jumped in like this, and really felt the sour feeling all over his body. Describe it!

It's just that the aura is so obviously strong, which makes Xiong Hua's heart a little excited, and he starts to meditate quickly... practicing!
"Come out, all of you, let's see what you can use here!"


"Wow, it's amazing here!"

"Mother, I like this place, I like this place!" At the same time, Xiao Jiu's cheerful figure jumped up and down here, his eyes full of excitement: "There seem to be many delicious things here, oh Wow, I want to eat, I want to eat!"

Puchi...something to eat?
Hearing this, everyone's faces darkened. What can we eat here?
Isn't it these stones full of aura, isn't it the flowers and trees full of aura?
"Go, don't let this place landslide, just let us not get out alive!" Yun Feiyue shrugged indifferently, and simply sat down cross-legged, but saw a man as soft as jade Looking at herself quietly... This shocked Yun Feiyue's heart!
The whole person almost jumped up: "You... who are you?" Ah, she didn't know the boy in front of her with tail hair!



Hearing Yun Feiyue's words, Qiu Zeyang and his group coughed in embarrassment, with words written all over their faces: You really don't know each other?You really don't know?
"Ah, isn't it a heinous crime not to know him?"

Obviously, Yun Feiyue still hadn't recovered, and looked at the young man in front of her hard. It has to be said that the young man in front of her was very elegant, completely different from the appearance that the third prince Nangong Pingyang pretended to be. The gentleness exuded from the bones is a noble temperament from the bones!
If she had seen such a man, would she still be able to forget it?
"Feiyue~" The young man looked at Yun Feiyue with a resentful expression, "It's me, I'm Qingluan, you...you...how can you forget me?" Woohoo, he seems to be very pitiful. He just made a contract with the master, but he was forgotten by the master. What's the matter?

What is Qingluan?
Well, for a while, Yun Feiyue really completely forgot about this matter!

This hit Qingluan completely~
Qiu Zeyang, Abai, Lijuan, and Xiaoqi stared at the situation in front of them one by one, well, they seem to have gotten used to it!Get used to someone's occasional carelessness!
"Ah, I remembered!"

Just when Qingluan was about to say something, Yun Feiyue's eyes lit up, and she immediately reacted: "I said Xiaoluan, tsk tsk, so you are a man, don't blame me, I always thought you were a woman!" Well, she was wrong, is it okay to be wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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