Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 654 Chapter 665: Unwillingness in the bottom of my heart

Chapter 654 Chapter 665: Unwillingness in the bottom of my heart


Looking at Yun Feiyue's swollen walnut-like eyes, Xiao Jiu felt deeply reluctant: "Mother, the things left by grandma are only two days old, and there is still time to go in now!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue reacted instantly!
His eyes were tinged with kindness: "Well, I understand!" He clenched his fists tightly, but he understood his responsibility in his heart!
Holy Light Pond, she is going to be destroyed!

Shengguang Pavilion, she will also destroy it!
"You tell the people in our group to leave at a moderate speed before the last time, I... want to destroy this place at the last time!" Gritting their teeth, with deep hatred, these people once lost their Mother is imprisoned in this place, it's too abominable!

Turn around!

Walking towards the big bed, I saw a sealed box. I saw that the box was very simple and unremarkable. I stretched out my hand to caress the box gently, and then pierced my fingertips. Immediately, the blood streaked along the fingers and slid down on the top of the box!

Slowly flowing along the pattern of the box...

But after a while, the blood completely painted the pattern, and a red light flashed suddenly, and Yun Feiyue's figure disappeared into the space just like that...

****Hall of Holy Light****
"Oh, you said this girl really went to the tenth floor?"

At this moment, the people inside naturally don't know what the people outside are thinking, but all the people have a strange light, take a deep breath, and stare at the bright light on the top floor: "My God, she is here It's the tenth floor! After all these years, the highest I've been to is the ninth floor!"

"Look at the lights on the ninth floor are also on!"

"Could it be that the people in the tenth group are really so powerful!"

Since the opening of the Shengguang Pavilion, except for the first Holy Master who once went to the top floor, no one has ever been seen to go to the top floor. After thousands of years, there are still people who can enter the top floor!
Listening to the unbelievable movement in the crowd, this made the face of the Holy Master change again and again!
People can't see his real thoughts!
I saw a man in black standing beside him, his face was full of strange light, and his thin lips said slowly: "Tsk tsk, after so many years, such a freak has appeared again, want to come to St. Guangdian also knows how to do it, right?"

The man's eyes are full of greed!
When the Holy Master heard this, his eyes were tinged with excitement: "Of course, of course, if you like it, you will naturally give it away!"

But his eyes looked at the dark-faced Son with a bit of trepidation!

This woman is from Sheng Qinglian in front of him, so naturally he doesn't mind sending her away quickly!
"Did your lord really fall in love with this woman?" She tilted her head, Sheng Qinglian said slowly: "Is your lord sure that Yun Feiyue is on the top floor?" Her fingers hidden in the wide sleeves were fierce. He squeezed fiercely, although his eyes were still so calm!
But if you listen carefully, it is not difficult to find that there is a strong suppression in his tone of voice!
Damn Yun Feiyue, if she didn't fall off the cliff that day, then she should have reached the Holy Light Pond by now, and now she has already refined it for herself, and she can only follow her forever, but... now Is this little woman going to be taken away?
My heart is faintly unwilling!

Not happy either!

It's just... Facing the mysterious person in front of him, he also understands the mystery of this strength from the bottom of his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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