Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 655 Chapter 666: The Crisis of the Temple of Holy Light

Chapter 655 Chapter 666: The Crisis of the Temple of Holy Light
"Why, is the Holy Son reluctant?"

The mysterious man stood up slowly, his eyes were stained with anger, and his voice rose slightly: "Remember, if you don't want the identity of the Holy Son anymore, you can just say so, and I will naturally have a way to let you How about you abdicate?"

He proudly raised his chin!

Clearly threatening!

Hearing this, Sheng Qinglian's eyes were also stained with anger, and the corners of her mouth curled into a faint smile: "Tsk tsk, your lord really likes to joke, people in the upper world can't care about our affairs here. Bar?"

Tilting his head, with a little bit of purity, he said slowly: "Furthermore, Yun Feiyue is the person my Son likes, how can I take you away at will?" Strong disdain!
Look at the way in front of you!
The Holy Lord is so happy in his heart!
I can't wait for this mysterious person to completely eradicate Sheng Qinglian in front of me right now!
"Qinglian, it's just a woman. The Lord has taken a fancy to it, so why not give it to them?" The Holy Master smiled slightly, but these words made Sheng Qinglian's heart even more angry!
Looks like it's helping!
However, after careful understanding, it is not difficult to find that the sarcasm in his mouth is just a woman!
It just means that Sheng Qinglian even disregarded the overall situation for a woman!

"Son, is a woman worthy of you and us?" At the same time, another man in black stood up slowly, walked among them, and said slowly: "Don't you know which is more important? Is it lighter?"

Which is more important!

Do not!
He only knows!
Otherwise, Yun Feiyue would not be brought up!

Just like him at this moment, he no longer knows whether to regret it or not!

Lowering his eyes, he drank the fine liquid in someone's cup slightly, and said slowly: "Whether Yun Feiyue can stay or not is not up to me, you probably don't know, she is Xiao Wang." His fiancée, the future Princess Xiao!"

Xiao Wang?

King Xiao! !
Hearing the words, everyone's expressions changed!
Just kidding, who is Xiao Wang? How can such a powerful and domineering person as Xiao Wang let his future princess stay?
But the mysterious person didn't think so. Although he had heard of Xiao Wang's fame faintly, but... it was just a Xuanming Continent, not a high-level continent!
A disdainful smile could not be restrained from the corner of his mouth: "Hey, a mere Xuanming Continent dares to compete with our superior, it is said to be a joke!" The tone was slightly mocking: "Then let him rush if he has the ability. Why not go to Longxuan Continent to find our lord?"

Hearing this, both Holy Master and Sheng Qinglian quickly shut up!

After all, there are people from Longxuan Continent behind this, and a mere Xuanming Continent is nothing in their eyes!

"Then try it!"

Sheng Qinglian smiled slightly, turned her face away, but her eyes were stained with a layer of deep doubts. He didn't know why, but he always felt that Xiao Wang Nangong Xiao was not so simple, maybe he could really do it. Rush up angrily...

It's just that he didn't have this opportunity!

"Oh no!"

At this moment, the Holy Master's face changed slightly, and he stood up quickly, his eyes stained with worry: "Your Majesty, look!" As he said, he pointed to the indicator light not far away, and his pupils Shrinking rapidly, his face paled instantly!

Following the Holy Master's finger, I saw that the indicator light of a certain map hidden in the Shengguang Pavilion was on!
Now, even the expressions of Sheng Qinglian and these mysterious people changed...

(End of this chapter)

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