Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 668 Chapter 679: You can try my strength

Chapter 668 Chapter 679: You can try my strength

"Tsk tsk, as a king, he has a lot of involuntary things!"

With a weird smile on his face, he looked at Jun Qianhuang: "You haven't been to Longxuan Continent, so naturally you don't know his sphere of influence. I'm afraid there are already many women waiting for his favor. The king and the emperor of the Xuanming Continent actually mean the same thing!"

The king is the king!

Yun Feiyue will understand this in her heart by then!
Just thinking that there are so many women waiting for his favor in the upper world, this makes Yun Feiyue very upset in her heart!

Staring fiercely at Jun Qianhuang in front of her, her eyes were stained with anger, her brows raised slightly, and she looked at him with a half-smile... Immediately, Jun Qianhuang's heart thumped a little...

"How about you follow this young master, this young master is an innocent young man!"


Hearing this, Yun Feiyue let out a yell: "Not to mention your status in the upper realm, even the saint son here, there seem to be quite a few saintesses, you think I, Yun Feiyue, is fooling me? It's ridiculous, besides , the hatred between you and me, it seems that it will not be resolved in a short while!"

It seems!

Refining puppets is not as simple as the Holy Light Hall!

The city of black water, she must be completely destroyed!
"Jun Qianhuang, kill this man for me!" Yun Feiyue clearly felt the powerful aura on Young Master Lian's body. He moved a few steps behind him, and raised a cold smile: "Hmph, it doesn't matter if you are Sheng Qinglian or Young Master Lian, anyway, I don't like it!"

Hearing this, Young Master Lian only felt a faint pain in his heart!
Although he already knew the answer, it still made his heart ache, he stretched out his hand to cover his chest, and said with a half-smile: "Tsk tsk, you little heartless, if it weren't for me, would you still be alive? You can really sprinkle salt on my chest!"

"So what, I'm not just throwing salt, I want your life!"

"Master Lian, then I will not be polite!"

Jun Qianhuang opened his arms, and a powerful spiritual energy swirled in his dantian immediately, which immediately made Yun Feiyue's eyes a little bit stunned, and even Young Master Lian's face was full of seriousness. She was stunned: "You...you are... so powerful!"

"My Lord's strength, you can try again!"

As his tone fell, a powerful spiritual energy suddenly fell towards him overwhelmingly...

I saw that Young Master Lian's face changed instantly, and then said fiercely: "Sorry, I have to run away first, Yun Feiyue, see you in the upper realm!" After saying that, Young Master Lian couldn't care less about it anymore, Turning around, he quickly left the place that frightened him...

'Boom! '


I saw Jun Qianhuang's attack landed on him without hesitation, causing a burst of pain in his back, but he couldn't care less at the moment, tried his best to tear open the barrier, and fled at a high speed~
"Let him run away!"

There was a cold killing intent in the gloomy eyes, and Jun Qianhuang said slowly: "Chutian, inform everyone that if they see Young Master Lian, they must kill him!"

"Yes, king!"

Hearing this, Chu Tian's figure instantly disappeared before everyone's eyes!

All the people in the Holy Light Hall were dumbfounded by the change of the hot weather, with countless fears in their hearts...

(End of this chapter)

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