Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 669 Chapter 680: Monster Beast?Still a beast!

Chapter 669 Chapter 680: Monster Beast?Still a beast!
"You...you can't kill us?" The Holy Lord didn't care about his own image at this moment, and stared at the devil-like man in front of him in fear. They all trembled, wishing they could disappear in place immediately and never show up again.

Taking a few steps back, the Holy Master's face was full of fear: "You, you are from the upper realm, and there are rules in the upper realm that you cannot kill the next generation, so the city of black water wants to catch you here. Puppet, you still have to pass through our Holy Light Hall~"

Thinking of this, Holy Master finally breathed a sigh of relief!

What happened just now had already made him unspeakably terrified, but Jun Qianhuang was from the upper realm after all, and those who killed were all from the Blackwater City of the upper realm!
"Well, you also know that people from the upper realm cannot kill you?"

Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang showed a strong sarcasm: "Do you think your little life can be saved? Huh?" A strange smile appeared on his face, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth were I can't help being afraid, I'm afraid from the bottom of my heart~
The Holy Master swallowed a mouthful of saliva!
The body trembled violently, and quickly stepped back a few steps, hiding in the center of the crowd: "Don't tell me you want to ignore the rules of the world, no, you absolutely can't~~"


Looking at the bear of the Holy Master, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but smiled softly, with strong disdain: "Tsk tsk, he knows he's scared, but he seems to have forgotten that this girl can easily kill her." Killed his Holy Light Hall?" Blinking, with a very innocent look!
But she has nothing to be afraid of people who are less than the god level!

He slowly walked out from behind Jun Qianhuang, and mockingly looked at the Holy Master who was already scared like a waste in front of him: "Then let you see my power, how about it?"

After finishing speaking, she raised her finger: "Xiao Jiu, come out!"

"Yes, mother!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jiu jumped out excitedly. Suddenly, her petite body began to swell, and seven of her nine tails began to show. Immediately, everyone looked straight at her eyes. They only felt that Xiao Jiu's aura was touching from the bottom of her heart. Afraid, that huge body covered half of the sky!

This made everyone in the Temple of Holy Light scream.

"God, what's going on!"

"No, no, what kind of monster or beast is this!"

"Is the Temple of Holy Light really going to be destroyed?"

Fear, trembling fiercely in their hearts, they have always been so high above, but now... has it become like this?
Before everyone could react, Xiao Jiu opened his mouth in shock, and with a 'boom', he began to spray that terrible flame. After a while, the entire hall of the Holy Light Hall began to burn. This made a group of people rush towards the bottom impatiently...

Showing a deep fear...

"If you want to run, it's hell, Zeyang Abai, Lijuan Xiaoqi, Xiaoluan, go and block their way, don't leave any of them behind!"

But all the people in the Temple of Holy Light are people who do all kinds of evil. She knows very well that although there may be innocent people among them, so what?
In a world where the strong are respected, there is no innocence!
Only the difference between the weak and the strong!Then there is no such thing as saying that he accepts without mercy, bloodthirsty made everyone's blood boil for a while, and there is no need for the Holy Light Temple to exist anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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