Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 670 Chapter 681: Completely destroy the Temple of Holy Light

Chapter 670 Chapter 681: Completely destroy the Temple of Holy Light
Bang bang bang!
I saw them release the spiritual energy in their bodies one by one, with a strong offensive, but people couldn't help being afraid from the bottom of their hearts... The entire Temple of Holy Light began to be completely destroyed at this moment, and there will be no more Temple of Holy Light ever since!
"No, no, no!" The Holy Master saw that his hard work was so easily ruined, and his whole heart was already in indescribably painful. Seeing his temple completely disappear, watching his subjects die one by one, he hated Intention stained his heart: "Yun Feiyue, this saint wants to take your life!"

With red eyes and deep hatred, he released all the aura in his body: "Ahhh, I killed you!"

Roaring, he fiercely attacked Yun Feiyue...

"Yo, I thought what level you've reached, it turns out it's just a small god level!" Sneered, the Holy Master is obviously only a demigod, and he guessed that he was only advancing in the past two days when he was practicing. right?But so what, she is no longer a god rank now!
"Little...little god step!"

"Oh my god, what kind of monster is Yun Feiyue? It's fine for King Xiao to hit people, but doesn't Yun Feiyue take God Rank seriously?"

"It's still a small god step, but we are still half a step away from the small god step!"

Unable to bear it, She Jingyi stretched out her hand and touched the tip of her nose!

After working hard for the past few days, she felt that the god rank seemed to be very close, but she couldn't be promoted. This feeling made her very unhappy!

"Look, don't die so hard!" Yun Feiyue laughed wildly, and immediately circulated the spiritual energy in her body at a high speed, and the colorful spiritual energy began to be released in an instant, carrying a strong thunder attack, towards the The Holy Lord hit the past...

There was a loud bang, and the Holy Lord didn't even have time to struggle, and the whole person fell to the ground like this, a mouthful of thick blood spurted out from his chest, and he covered his chest with trembling fingers: "You...how can you... ...How could..." Before I could finish my words, I completely died like this!
With that face of unwillingness!
With that face is incredible~
"Ah, the Holy Master is dead, the Holy Master is dead!"

"No, no, no, we don't want to die~~"

"God, who will save us, don't, don't, I don't want to die, I don't want to!"

Immediately, the entire Holy Light Hall was in chaos. The beasts of Yunfeiyue began to work hard to harvest these lives. Seeing this blood-boiling face, She Jingyi and her party also became excited, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood: " We're going too!"

With that said, they also rushed to the team and began to work hard to harvest the lives of the Holy Light Hall!

Thinking of everything that the Holy Light Temple has done, how can they not hate it in their hearts!

"No wonder my father has disappeared since he came to the Holy Light Hall!" Xiong Zhixiong Hua also clenched his fists fiercely. Their father, as a leader, disappeared in the Holy Light Hall ten years ago, while his mother was missing him. Disaster, let go, and now they got the news that their father was refined into a puppet!

Such hatred!
It made their hearts boil up...

Immediately, the entire Holy Light Hall was like a hell on earth. The fire blazed up here, and it would last three days and three nights. Naturally, everyone was completely stunned. This fire became the moment in everyone's heart Lingering memories.

The powerful figures of Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang are even more thoroughly remembered.

(End of this chapter)

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