Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 679 Chapter 690: Madame, you said yes

Chapter 679 Chapter 690: Madame, you said yes

"Auntie, do you have a problem with your ears? He called me Mrs. just now, so he is naturally married, and he said that Mrs. Ben is younger than you. I'm sorry for calling you sister!" Is the cat sick?

Yun Feiyue felt uncomfortable all over: "Isn't it peaceful to have a meal? Why don't you have money to eat, boss, serve this aunt at my table, and the money is mine!"

Immediately, Yun Feiyue felt very upset in her heart!

Big... aunt!
Immediately, this made Qian'er's face turn red, and she felt a little bad all over, her watery eyes were stained with grievance: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-er-er-er-er-on-er-er-er-er on errone!" , rushed towards the old man...

A handful of tears, a handful of snot...

How terrible!

Looking at this appearance, not to mention Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang, even the people in this hut are dumbfounded!

"Who, who bullied my precious Qian'er!"

Seeing Qian'er crying, the old man suddenly became angry in his heart, and stared at Yun Feiyue fiercely with rounded eyes: "Hmph, you are the woman who bullied my precious Qian'er! Well, where did the courage come from? Hurry up!" Get the hell out of here, Qian'er has taken a fancy to this position, it's your luck!"

Puchi... I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people!
Yun Feiyue looked at the old man in front of her without moving, as if looking at a fool, and said after a while: "Tsk tsk, no wonder what kind of people raise what kind of children!" Rolling her eyes displeased, Yun Feiyue Continue to slowly eat your own table of meals!
She doesn't want to spoil her mood because of these stupid things!
Raised a coquettish smile: "Husband, I want to eat, I'm hungry, so I want this, how about it?" Wei Wei opened her mouth, pointed at one of the dishes, and with a smug smile, Wei Wei raised his eyebrows!
Nima, you just fell in love with this girl's husband!
Then just watch it!
"Yes, ma'am!"

Looking at Yun Feiyue's delicate smile, Jun Qianhuang could only feel that his whole body was excited, especially when he said "husband", which made him feel that his bones were brittle: "Hey, slow down, don't Burned myself!"

With the dish in between, he blew it lightly, and then slowly handed it to Yun Feiyue...

Open your mouth~

Slowly biting the chopsticks, showing a happy smile...

This made Qian'er feel a deep anger in her heart. She tightly grabbed her fingers, stared fiercely at the two people in front of her, and said, "Grandpa, this woman is too embarrassing!"

"Big sister, aunt, you have a problem. We are husband and wife, so it's shameless? You are a big girl, and it's shameful to stare at other men?"

Yun Feiyue didn't mind at all and planted a kiss on Jun Qianhuang's face, and deliberately raised a sly smile: "How? What do you want?"

"Damn bitch, you insulted my Qianer's eyes!"

The old man's face suddenly became angry, his eyes widened, with a strong killing intent: "Today, this old man will teach you for your parents!" It hit Yun Feiyue...

Qian'er raised her eyebrows, and snorted coldly: "Grandpa, teach this shameless woman a lesson, she really doesn't know how high heaven and earth are!" There was a lot of excitement in her voice, and her eyes were tinged a little. Proud.

This made everyone's faces very unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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