Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 680 Chapter 691: Just want to leave like this?

Chapter 680 Chapter 691: Just want to leave like this?



All kinds of voices were intertwined, and everyone's expressions changed immediately, and they flew out at a high speed, for fear of being hit by this terrible situation!
"This old man is really funny. He is obviously a couple, so why is he wrong?"

"That's right, it's unreasonable!"

"This girl is ruined, she has no normal three views at all?"

After the crowd avoided the scary old man, they couldn't help discussing: "Looking at these two, they don't seem to be so weak. I'm afraid it will be a good show in a while!"

"Hmph, just you old man, want to teach me a lesson?"

Yun Feiyue's eyes were stained with anger, her body turned slightly, and quickly avoided the old man's attack, but her tone was cold: "Don't rely on the old to sell the old, you don't know your identity, if this girl gives you If you are oppressed, isn't your life in vain!"

Puff... It's a waste of time!

Well, it shouldn't be said that if this hard worker can't even attack her, then his life will be in vain, okay?

Hearing this, the old man's face became even more angry: "What are you!"

"She is my king's woman, my king's concubine, how about it?"

Jun Qianhuang stood up slowly, her eyes were filled with killing intent, and she looked at the old man with extreme disdain: "Then, are you going to challenge this king? Huh? "

The king?

What is this king?
The old man didn't react for a while, and said with strong anger, "What is this king?"

"Puchi, this... this can't be Xiao Wang?"

"Oh my god, this old man actually met King Xiao, isn't he courting death?"

Immediately, worshiping eyes appeared in the crowd, one by one looked at Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang, and their hearts were faintly excited, only to see a young man standing up quickly: "Oh my god, this... this is really Yun Feiyue! I remember, I remember!"

"Ah, I also remembered, wasn't she the one who fought against Gu Cheng that day?"

"Oh my god, this is our Elder Gu Cheng Zai Keqing!"

"Elder Yun, you are here!"

"Ah, then the man next to him should be King Xiao!"

All the voices were completely boiling at this moment, but these words made the old man's face change slightly: "You...you are King Xiao?" Said it!
Suddenly, an old face was filled with regret!
"The Holy Light Palace can be destroyed by King Xiao, this old man really wants to die!"

"Tsk tsk, isn't it? Don't you know how to give up three points when you are away from home? Don't think that anyone will buy it!"

Hearing the faint voice of disdain coming from his ears, thinking of the terrifying aura of Xiao Wang in front of him, and even more unexpectedly, it was Xiao Wang and Yun Feiyue who offended him, which made him want to cry completely without tears!
"Grandpa... Grandpa..." Immediately, Qian'er's face turned pale, and she lost her heart just like that, but she also knew who could offend and who could not, so her face turned ashen immediately, The whole person was a little scared, biting his lip, and didn't dare to say anything!

Look at the way in front of you!
No matter how angry Jun Qianhuang was, she knew it was not appropriate to explode at this moment, so she just said coldly: "You are lucky today!" After finishing speaking, she stood up like this, holding Yun Feiyue's arm with both hands: "Yue'er , what do you think?"

"Well, it's okay, let's go!"

There's nothing wrong with shaking your head and being recognized!

It's just too lazy to care about these people!
"Boss, this money is for you as compensation!" Yun Feiyue put the money on the table, and before the boss could react, she left with Jun Qianhuang quickly...

"Ah, just leave like this?"

"Go, let's go back quickly, maybe we can see our idol!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I have to close the stall as soon as possible, and go to Gu Cheng!"

Immediately, everyone became excited, one by one recklessly walked towards Gu Cheng, leaving behind the old man with a pale face and his granddaughter, their expressions were extremely embarrassing...

(End of this chapter)

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