Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 812 Chapter 826: Return a piece of Qingming in the sea area

Chapter 812 Chapter 826: Returning the sea to a clear sky

Slowly raising his eyes, he looked at Sedum who was smiling slightly!

Yun Feiyue understands how peerless a man like this is, but... she is not suitable for him, and he is no longer suitable for her!

His eyes were stained with worry: "Sedum, I didn't know that saving you in this way would cause such a misunderstanding, but if I knew, I probably wouldn't not save you, but... I have lost all the extra emotion. Can't squeeze out half a point!"

"Is that so?"


"Even...even if one day, he betrays your feelings, will you be the same?"

"Yes, even if one day he fails my feelings, I won't have any extra feelings!"


If there is such a day, at most...give her some time, let her forget all this, but...she can't continue to accept any feelings other than him!


Hear this!

Look at her determined eyes!
Jing Tian suddenly fell into silence, and just looked at her quietly like this, as if this was his age alone: ​​"Yes, if you like it, you like it!" After a while, Jing Tian said softly: "However, you have already Can't let me leave you!"

Blinking, with a bit of a playful smile.

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue was immediately dumbfounded: "Why?"

"Your blood has been integrated into my bones. This is not a joke, nor is it that I lied, so I am destined to follow you, unless...unless one day I can return your blood to you!" With a long sigh, he completely understood in his heart!
This is the real bond of flesh and blood!

Seeing the determination on Yun Feiyue's face in front of him, Jing Tian smiled faintly, suppressed that full of emotion in his heart, and said slowly: "Don't worry, I won't make you feel embarrassed." , but I still have to follow you for a short time, understandable?"

"It's okay!"

Nodding, in fact, as long as Sedum doesn't always say that she is his bride, everything else is fine. To put it bluntly, there is nothing wrong with having an extra powerful thug by your side!

"You...you believe me just like that?"

"Why don't you believe it!"

He raised a shallow smile: "What's more, partners are for trust, not for suspicion!"

Hearing this, there was warmth in Jing Tian's heart, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raised, with a warm smile: "That's good, that's good, at least we're still partners, aren't we?"

The wind blows gently!
Aroused the little heartbeat in his heart, but...it quickly returned to the opportunity, some people, some things, if you miss it, you miss it, there is no room for turning back...

The sky was only getting brighter, and Yun Feiyue had already walked towards that sea area. Sure enough, after the group of cloud beasts were wiped out, the entire sea area was clean!
"Well, it seems that this thing really came because of the breath of the dragon grass!"

Taking a deep breath, Yun Feiyue's eyes were stained with a deep smile: "Now this dragon grass is on my body, tsk tsk, can these things continue to come out?" His chin was full of excitement!
Feel the excitement of Yun Feiyue!
Sedum couldn't help showing a faint smile: "You're the one who is more arrogant, but if you can't find anything to eat this thing within ten days, it will disappear completely!"

(End of this chapter)

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