Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 813 Chapter 827:

Chapter 813 Chapter 827:
ten days?

Will it disappear completely in ten days?
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but get excited in her heart!
It has been two days now, and in about three days, my grandmother and grandfather will bring the Shameyi people over. It will be like five or six days, and I will be fine if I stay for a few more days!
Look at the smile on Yun Feiyue's face!

I don't know why, but Sedum always feels an indescribable warmth in her heart!
Time is slowly passing by!
The wounded who were originally kept in the Shamei clan have now fully recovered, and they are naturally grateful to Yun Feiyue in front of them, and they admire them very much: "Princess Feiyue, the entire hall has been cleaned up now, and we will wait for the arrival of the emperor and queen." Already!"

"Yeah, I haven't seen my family for a long time!"

"Hey, if it wasn't for Princess Feiyue, let alone seeing our family members, even living would be a luxury!"

"Isn't this just that God loves us and loves us? So we should be grateful to Dade!"

One by one with a grateful heart!

Looking at this simple and honest person, Yun Feiyue's eyes were tinged with excitement, and there was also a touch of excitement: "Hehe, this is not what I should do, and the sea area has returned to calm, everyone can continue to have a good time." Survived, I also roughly checked, these defenses have been strengthened!"

have to say!

Jun Qianhuang has given her wholeheartedly to her!

he's gone!
But he also left behind people to strengthen the entire Shameyi Clan again, which made the safety of the Shameyi Clan get a new consolidation!
"Our son-in-law is also top-notch!"

"By the way, princess, when will the son-in-law come back?"


Hearing this, Yun Feiyue blushed slightly with a hint of embarrassment: "I'm afraid he won't be able to come in a short time, but if there is a chance in the future, he will definitely come again!"

With her own clansmen, Yun Feiyue did not stop these days, and quickly found a good place, planted a lot of medicinal fields, and naturally based on various medicinal herbs, she handed over this technology to My own people!
Fortunately, there are still many alchemists in the Shayi tribe!

Being able to understand these things at one point naturally relieved Yun Feiyue a lot!
When the empress arrived here, the eyes were full of vitality, which made the people's hearts full of excitement, and even the gentleness in the empress' eyes became more and more intense~

Time passed in a flash, and more than ten days passed like this!
There is no more news from Cloud Beast!

Only then did Yun Feiyue relax and prepare to leave.

Looking at this baby who was so hard to see, this made the queen feel a lot of reluctance in her heart, and tightly held her little hand: "My dear boy, I need to visit my grandmother more often in the future!" There are thick tears in the beautiful eyes!
That cry is so obvious!
It made Yun Feiyue's heart full of reluctance: "Grandmother, don't worry, I will definitely come back!"

"Hey, I heard that your Yun family has created a Xuanyue sect. If you welcome it, grandma would also like to join in, how about it?" After blinking, the queen's eyes were full of excitement: "Or, I should also Go and see your grandfather, he raised you, he saved my child!"

Say it here!

The sadness in the queen's eyes became more and more intense!
Just more of that touch of gratitude!

(End of this chapter)

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