Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 814 Chapter 828: The anger of the old man of the Yun family

Chapter 814 Chapter 828: The anger of the old man of the Yun family
Time is slowly passing by!
Waiting for Yun Feiyue to arrive at the Yun family, this made the old man of the Yun family smile like a chrysanthemum blooming!
"Yue'er, my little Yue'er, you are finally back!" Seeing the old man of the Yun family rushing over from a distance, he held the prevention of encephalitis tightly in his arms, with a With excited eyes, he said fiercely: "If you don't come back again, old man, I want to die!"



Seeing her grandfather's excited look, Yun Feiyue suddenly felt that something was wrong all over her body!

"Grandpa, haven't I come back?" He stretched out his arms to embrace the old man of the Yun family, with a deep smile: "But today I brought you a nice guest!" Blinking, with How mysterious!

Look at Yun Feiyue's mysterious appearance!
The old man of the Yun family suddenly felt an unprecedented curiosity: "Then what surprise will Girl Feiyue bring to Yeye?"

"Go, go, let's go to the study!"

Pushing and shoving the old man of the Yun family, he quickly took him to the study, and then with a smug smile: "Grandpa, I found my grandmother and grandfather!"

These words completely made the two of the old man of the Yun family look stupid, with a strong sense of disbelief: "Oh my god, you... are you telling the truth?"

His eyes were sparkling, but he didn't have the slightest suspicion, only this strong excitement: "So, Ling'er's life experience is not a secret?" God knows how excited he is at this moment!
You know, Jin Ling'er was also brought up by him, so the relationship is naturally different!

"Grandpa, don't worry!"

The excitement on the face of the old master of the Yun family immediately filled Yun Feiyue's heart with a bit of happiness, and she gently held the hand of the old man of the Yun family: "Grandpa, I want to say that my grandfather and grandmother are here this time. I hope that we can form one body with our Yuexuanzong, so that we will all be much safer!"



This remark made Patriarch Yun hesitate for a while: "No, these people could have abandoned my Jin Ling'er back then, and I was upset when I saw the old man. Think about it, Jin Ling'er is such a well-behaved child. How can you be so cruel!"

His pupils were suddenly dyed with raging fire!
Think of my son!
Think of my daughter-in-law!

It just disappeared, which made the old man of the Yun family feel deep sadness in his heart, and his heart stabbed fiercely: "In these years, I think of these two children, my heart... my heart ..." At this moment, the voice of the old man of the Yun family also trembled, and he couldn't get back that sad feeling for a while!


The sadness on the face of the old man of the Yun family made Yun Feiyue's heart ache, and she held his shoulders tightly with both hands: "Grandpa doesn't cry, grandpa doesn't cry, mother and father are fine, I will definitely take care of you." They searched and came back to make amends to you, who made them not know how to miss you all these years!"


Unconsciously, Yun Feiyue's face was also stained!

Thinking of the difficulty of these years, Yun Feiyue's eyes were full of deep sadness, and she said slowly: "Just, grandpa, don't be angry, okay? Grandmother and grandfather didn't do it on purpose back then. You gave them How about a chance?

Hear this!
The old man of the Yun family was displeased again: "No matter what happened back then, it was not an excuse!"

(End of this chapter)

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