Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 815 Chapter 829: Parting, the bottom of my heart is reluctant

Chapter 815 Chapter 829: Parting, the bottom of my heart is reluctant
Yun Feiyue was stunned by the stubbornness of the old man of the Yun family!

Staring at her grandfather carefully, she seemed to understand immediately, and couldn't help but smiled softly: "Yes, I love my grandfather and grandmother, but grandpa, you are my most beloved grandpa, if you see After I got to them, I still don’t want to forgive them after hearing what they said! Then I don’t want to forgive them either, okay?”


Yun Feiyue is not a fool, so she naturally understands the old man's careful thinking!
After all, he brought him up alone!

If he coaxed her away with just a few words like this, it's normal for the old man to be unhappy!
Look at Yun Feiyue's serious expression!
The old man of the Yun family finally let out his guests slowly, and said seriously: "Oh, this is what you said, if you dare to lie, hehe, I will ignore you for the rest of my life~"



Look at the cute look of my grandpa!
Yun Feiyue showed a shallow smile again, put her hands around his neck, and said charmingly: "Even if I lie to gods and ghosts in this life, I dare not say that grandpa is wrong!" , Grandpa loves her, she knows better than anyone else!
Look at the way in front of you!
It would be a lie if the emperor and empress of the Yuyi clan didn't envy each other!

But... this deep relationship is not something they can envy, it is accumulated over time!
"Here, grandpa, these are my grandfather and grandmother. If you have anything to talk about, I'll clean up the room for my grandfather and grandmother first. What do you think?"

"Hmph, everyone has brought them, I can still resist!"

Seeing the two flattering faces at the door, the old man of the Yun family naturally couldn't go too far!
After all, they are both Jin Ling'er's parents!

They are also Yun Feiyue's grandparents!

How can he make these two people sad: "You guys just sit down, and let Feiyue girl arrange other things!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

At this moment, facing the old man in front of her, the empress of the Yuyi clan did not show any signs, and then said with a peaceful face: "Thank you for raising Ling'er these years, and for being able to educate this girl Fei Ye so well." , I know we have no position to say such things, but..."

"Okay, I don't want to hear these words of thanks!"

After waving his hand, the old man of the Yun family said slowly: "This is what I should do as an old man!"

Seeing that the old men in front of her had calmed down, Yun Feiyue breathed a sigh of relief, closed the door slowly and left~
"Miss, you are finally back. If you don't come back again, the old man will be in a hurry!"

Xiulin walked up, hung Yun Feiyue's coat on the hanger, and then said: "Miss, the servant has prepared hot water, do you want to wash yourself?" curious!

"Well, okay, I really feel tired now!"

"Miss, do you want to go back to Prince Xiao's mansion today?"


Hearing that Yun Feiyue was obviously taken aback, she realized that she was Princess Xiao now, so she should go to Prince Xiao's mansion first! !

Thinking of this, she felt like she had a headache!
He stretched out his fingers and gently rubbed his temples: "Okay, I'll just go there once the arrangements here are settled!" Taking a deep breath, I don't know if the arrangements for Prince Xiao's mansion have been made?

But with grandpa, it seems that there is nothing to worry about!
(End of this chapter)

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