Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 816 Chapter 830: Humph, I want to take advantage of my mother!

Chapter 816 Chapter 830: Humph, I want to take advantage of my mother!

"Daddy, isn't it very windy here!"

Xiao Jiu's snow-white body stood on Jun Qianhuang's shoulders, and looked towards the foot of the mountain with a ray of excitement, but there was an indescribable liking in her heart: "This is the place among the mountains." Dian, Daddy really has a different hobby!"

"Xiao Jiu, have you been too relaxed recently?"

Seeing Xiaojiu like that, Jun Qianhuang's eyes swept over her small figure, her tone didn't fluctuate, but she slightly elongated the end, with a slight smile: "It seems that we should go to Closed, huh?"

Hear Jun Qianhuang's slightly drawn out ending!
Xiao Jiu's body trembled suddenly, how dare she continue to tease her father~

"Daddy, Xiao Jiuer will be very good, very good!" Blinking her eyes, her limbs and claws wrapped around Jun Qianhuang's legs like this: "Mother said that Daddy is the most powerful and majestic, and Mother also said that Daddy is the most powerful!" Great, she loves a man like Daddy!"



Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang immediately felt comfortable all over her body!
Rao thought so, his face was still calm, and he said slowly: "Very well, then should I spare you this time?"

"Daddy is the best!"

Looking at Xiao Jiu's cute appearance, Jun Qianhuang's heart softened a little: "Okay, you don't need to pat this flattery anymore, hurry up and let me practice, and come out at this time tomorrow~"

These words completely made Xiao Jiu's face black!

Looking pitifully at the serious Jun Qianhuang in front of her... well, she dare not refute, otherwise it will definitely be worse!

Looking at Xiao Jiu's small appearance, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but think of Yun Feiyue, and there was a little more tenderness in her eyes...

"Little princess!"

Just as Xiaojiu was walking down the hill in desperation, when she was about to go to retreat, she saw a pink figure slowly walking over, the delicate voice made Xiaojiu tremble uncontrollably, fiercely He rolled his eyes and didn't intend to pay attention to this person!

Anyway, daddy said, she must appear as a little milk baby in the realm of gods and evil spirits!

Well, she also found that she seemed to be able to transform into a human form here, although... she still seemed to like the original body, but she knew that she couldn't bring trouble to her mother!
"Little princess!"

Looking at Xiao Jiu, he didn't intend to pay attention to himself!

A deep anger secretly rose in Ruan Lianrong's heart, the damned little bastard, dare to ignore her?

Hmph, when I become a king or concubine one day, I will see how you live under my command!

Although I thought so in my heart, the smile on my face became sweeter and sweeter, and I walked over with the plate in my hand: "Little princess, what's wrong with you, but you are downcast!" He rubbed her affectionately. That soft hair!

I saw Xiao Jiu's face full of anger: "Don't touch me!"

The body flashes!
She dodged Ruan Lianrong's claws, and the words unhappy were written all over her face!

Seeing this, Ruan Lianrong was stunned for a moment, and then smiled softly: "Why, is this being punished? The king loves you the most. If you say a few words, he will be willing to punish you. Come on. , my sister cooked delicious food for you..."

"Auntie, I'm not hungry!"

Sister, a woolen sister!

Still want to take advantage of your mother?Or do you want to prove that you are younger and more beautiful than your mother?

Humph, I don't want to satisfy you!

(End of this chapter)

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