Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 829 Chapter 843: True God will be angry

Chapter 829 Chapter 843: True God will be angry
"My lord, that girl is really carrying a very cute baby boy. She is a pure virgin boy. There is also a girl named Ya'er in the village. This way they can make a couple. Seeing that child is so beautiful, the real god will definitely Very excited!"

The man's voice was full of excitement!
Slightly bowing his body, his eyes were stained with blood: "However, my subordinates are useless. I can't find out where these people hide their children for so long!" Ruthless!

These people really think that if they hide their children, they will be safe?

After my lord wakes up, they will know how powerful the lord and the true God are!

"How can the true god deceive like this!"

The man sitting proudly on the throne, his eyes were stained with thick blood, he was wearing a black robe, hiding his thin figure, with a strange smile on his face, those long and narrow eyes There was a lot of excitement in his heart: "The blood of boys and girls must be kept fresh, these people must not die!"


His eyes looked into the cage!

I saw a lot of children imprisoned in that huge cage!
Boys and girls are held separately!

At this moment, apart from fear, there was no expression in the eyes of the children. They seemed to understand that they might not be able to get out. Their faces were as pale as if they had lost all color, and they were dying. If it weren't for the eyes that were still spinning, they would The weak breath, I'm afraid it's just piles of dead bodies!
The man seemed to like the fear of these children in front of him very much!

There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth: "Hey, don't be afraid. Soon when our true god wakes up, you will be completely at peace. By then, you will all be meritorious ministers, and the true god will thank you!" Arm Slightly raised!

The fingers hooked slightly, and the smile on the corner of the mouth became more and more cold.

The children looked at him, and their bodies huddled together again, as if this could slightly drive away the fear in their hearts!
"Go, drink the concoction for them. Blood will be collected once in three days. If this continues, their blood will not be enough. If you don't find some fresh blood, hum!" His eyes changed slightly, and he looked at I saw the bent man in front of me!

His eyes were filled with strong anger, which caused a burst of fear in that person's heart!
"My lord, I even sacrificed my children, and now I... I can't find out where these people and children are being imprisoned!" Eyes were tinged with fear, and the body trembled violently: "But , there is still Ya'er in the village, and there is also a little boy who just arrived!"

"No matter what method you use, I must get these two children today!"

He slammed his fingers on the table fiercely, making a sound of fear, and the coldness in his eyes made his heart filled with deep fear... If Yun Feiyue and his party were here at this time, I'm afraid they wouldn't be here. It's hard to find, but the person in front of him is really strong!

It was the very angry and strong performance at the beginning!
At this moment, the strong body trembled violently: "Yes, my lord, this subordinate knows what I want to do!"

"Go down, boil the concoction!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Nodding his head in a panic, his strong body quickly disappeared into the room. He just thought of the coldness on that man's face, but his strong heart was getting colder and colder. These days, he stole children a lot, but what he was waiting for was still the same. Is it such a terrible torture?
(End of this chapter)

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